〜 chapter 26 〜

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As the sun shone through the window of the small room, I opened my eyes and immediately set up.

I was quite excited about today since I never saw such a ritual before and also Liyue per se. We hadn't the chance to go around the harbor the day before since we were tired from the traveling and the sun was setting already what meant it would be hard to find a accommodation when it already be nighttime.

I decided to just go around in the morning before the fest would begin and look around. I had no plan on how long we would stay here so I took that opportunity and made my way outside, making sure to let a letter for Aether at his room, so he knew that I was out since he was still sleeping.

I felt like the people in Liyue would never go to sleep since there were already so much people outside like the evening before and I slightly chuckled at this.  Snezhnaya  doesn't had such lively people and there weren't much outside.

But maybe I just didn't saw the people at my hometown so lively because I rarely was on crowded places and above all, I'm still a harbinger. It was well known that I wasn't the Harbinger who would reach to violence in the first place but they still had a lot of respect, particularly the ones who knew what kind of missions I would get sometimes.

But here in Liyue, nobody knew who I really was and what I was able to do but it was a nice experience to be just like everyone else.

It was almost a too perfect moment with all the kind people who were introducing some of the products they sell on the side of the street, before they would go to the festival and all the little kids who were running around and playing something.

"If there just weren't this type of people..."

I thought as I saw a man who was clearly harassing a young woman at the side of the street.

Some people around were just going in a faster pace and pretended to see nothing to avoid trouble since the man seemed quiet strong.

I was standing there, thinking about doing something but that would only drag attention towards me and that is something I wanted to avoid.

But I couldn't just let this dude do whatever he wanted. So even if this would bring me some trouble, I decided to help the woman.

"Excuse me sir, don't you see that this lady is uncomfortable in you're presence?"

I said, still wanting to be polite and calm.

The woman slightly sighed in relieve that someone decided to help her but also seemed kinda confused about my actions. Maybe she was just wondering why I would do such a thing. I mean, I doesn't looked really strong to be honest, so I couldn't intimidate someone as tall as this man just by my mere presence and simple words.

"Huh? What are you saying? I don't think you have anything to do with our conversation doll-face. Piss off little brat before I get mad"

He said, turning his head towards me and than back to the young woman with a smirk on his face, thinking that I would just go away because "I don't wanted to make him mad"

Pff, as if

"I don't want to repeat me, sir"

I said, still calm.

The male turned his head in my direction again, looking down at me while I could clearly see the anger that was building up in him.

"Listen here little brat",

He began, reaching his arm out to grab mine but got stopped by someone else holding his arm tight before he could even come near me.

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