〜 chapter 22 〜

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The sun was still high up at the sky as a rather cold breeze blew through my hair. I was recently sitting on the edge of a hill because I needed a short break. It just wasn't that easy to walk all the way when my body was still recovering.

But it wondered me slightly that I was just having an headache and was tired all the time. I mean, I was literally thrown off stairs and landed on the bare stone ground. I'm sure I could easily break my neck by such an impact.

I signed to myself, standing up again and continued my way towards the camp of us harbingers.

Not long after, I reached it and the moment Childe and Scaramouche noticed my presence, they almost run into my direction.

The two were standing in front of me and scanned every detail of my body to make sure I wasn't hurt or had just the smallest injury. Seemed like signora told them what happened.

I could just stand in front of them, sheepishly smiling, not really knowing what to say.

But seemed like there wasn't a need for me to say anything as the short harbinger with the navy blue hair, against everyone's expectations, took a step closer to me and I found myself in his embrace, my face pressed against his chest.

My face turned redder than a pyro abyss mage at that moment, absolutely taken back from the harbingers actions.

But to be honest, even for someone this anti-social, he was giving good hugs. I felt safe in his warm embrace and after a short moment, laying my arms on his back.

"You should be more careful..."

He said, rather silent so that I was the only one who heard his words.

"I know"

I said, smiling to myself at the actions of the male.

But seemed like another harbinger who was staring at us dumbfounded, didn't find the whole thing so funny.

Childe took a hold on my torso from behind, raising me up in the air so I would automatically let go of Scaramouche who was know glaring at the ginger head.

Not gonna lie, I felt like Simba as Childe was holding me high in the air so that the shorter harbinger couldn't reach me.

"What- what are you doing?"

I asked, trying to get out of his grip but he didn't loosened it.

"Just saving you from an parasite"

He said, not breaking his glare towards Scaramouche. The two continued to share a dead glare as I was still trying to escape the harbingers grip

 The two continued to share a dead glare as I was still trying to escape the harbingers grip

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( what literally would look like nagisa trying to escape, just higher in the air lol )

Signora just signed at the view as she was standing a few meters away from us, trying to focus on her own business.

A few minutes of dead glares and failed attempts to escape later, Childe let me down and avoided his look from the other male towards me.

"Oh, by the way, the traveler who I told you about is going to Liyue too and is looking for the geo Archon. So I think it would be a good idea to come with him"

I said, looking at all the three other harbingers.

"I don't have a problem with it when you are going with someone else"

Signora said, crossing her arms like most of the time

"But I'm not going to wait for you again and doing nothing. I am going to do something myself"

She continued, seemingly don't have the nerves to wait again until I would found some information.

"I have no problem with that, but don't come in my way"

I responded, not wanting her to reveal my identity to the traveler or anyone else in some stupid and rash actions because the whole progress is not going fast enough for her.

"Wasn't my plan"

She said, turning around before speaking up again

"And I am not going to wait for you. I'm on my way now and you two",

She said, pointing towards the two male harbingers

"You are going too. We are just wasting time if we wait for you until you get back to that stupid city to travel with that boy"

Signora continued.

"Fine, go ahead"

I said, now turning to my side where Childe and Scaramouche were standing.

"See you guys in Liyue I guess"

Smiling at them, I packed all my stuff together to give it to an subordinate of me to carry it to Liyue.

Childe approached me one last time before we would part ways and placed a hand on my head and tousled my hair

"Make sure to not get in danger and watch out for treasure hoarders. I heard that there are much of them around Liyue"

He said before lowering his hand again.

I chuckled at this, giving him a thumbs up as signal to watch out for any dangerous situations.

And so, we were parting ways again. This time would be the last time that I would go back to Mondstadt.

 This time would be the last time that I would go back to Mondstadt

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Hello Helloo ♡

Here we go, two chapters today :3

I wanted to write this now since I have nothing better to do and this is one of the last chapters in Mondstadt. Actually, the next one is going to be the last one there and is maybe going to be a little bit longer again since I want to write the end of Mondstadt arc and the beginning of the Liyue arc in one chapter.

Oh and sorry if this one thing with Scaramouche is kinda ooc but I just can imagine that he would be such a good hugger UwU

Yess that's it, thank you so much for reading and I hope you had / have a good day 🤍

See you most likely tomorrow

~ Author-Chan

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