〜 chapter 50 〜

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"Umm... Xiao?"

I asked in a quite voice, my face still bright red because of the long skin contact as the Adepti for some reason refused to let me down.

Xiao just slightly looked down to my flustered self but didn't do anything about the recent situation as he looked back at the other Adepti and Qixing in front, as Ningguang was standing in the middle of us.

Since we hadn't any other plan to attack the god, Ningguang first hesitated a little before looking at the direction of the traveler, Xiao and me as she spoke up.

"I have... another idea"

"What do you mean, Lady Ningguang?"

Ganyu, who was standing besides her asked, already have an idea about what she meant, but seemed like not really wanting to believe it herself.

A short moment of silence passed as I looked at the white-haired female in curiosity, not really knowing what she meant before as Ningguang then looked up at the creature in the water in front of us.

"I'll sacrifice the Jade Chamber"

She said as the building begun moving forward as my eyes slightly widened.

"Wait- what?"

I asked, my arms still around Xiao's neck but that wasn't where my attention was at right now.

"...I understand"

Xiao said, using his one hand that supported my back towards his face to summon his mask as our faces were just inches apart due to that, my face literally burning.

"Traveler, lend me a hand"

Ningguang said as Aether nodded, his facial expression blank as he quickly glanced at me and Xiao before drawing his sword and slammed it with bundled powers in the ground.

"Goodbye for now... old friend"

Ningguang quietly said as I felt kinda bad for her since she had to sacrifice something that she worked so hard for, and that got just destroyed within minutes.

"Let's meet again in the future"

The female continued as the power of Aether's sword finally made the Jade Chamber moving downwards, my grip around the Adepti's neck tightened as the ground was heavily shaking again.

The building fell down as we all got carried towards the harbor from the Adeptus, watching a huge explosion coming from the impact of the Jade Chamber and the God in the water.

"Is it over now...?"

Paimon asked as we landed on the boardwalk at the harbor, Xiao finally releasing his grip and let me down so I could now stand on my own feet again, looking at the huge smoke cloud that erupted from the place of the explosion.

Moon carver decided to answer Paimon's question as he stepped a few feet closer towards the edge of the boardwalk.

"The ominous aura of that monster has indeed begun to fade. The effects of the sigil of permission last but a short time, it will be some time before the overlord of the Vortex can make any waves again"

He said before Ningguang also came closer, not averting her eyes from where the Jade Chamber once was.

"We are indebted to you for your assistance. If the Adepti hadn't happened to be here, the future of Liyue Harbor would surely have been in great jeopardy..."

She said, then looking at me and Aether as she laid one hand on her chest, smiling at us.

"And the same goes for you, ( Y/N ), Aether. I couldn't imagine what would happen without you"

She said as Paimon slightly pouted because she wasn't named. But who could blame Ninggunag? It's not like Paimon did that much...

"Hmph save your flattery. We didn't just "happen" to be here... surely you won't pretend to have forgotten the reason for which we came?"

Cloud Retainer then said, still not really on good terms with the Qixing how it seemed, to just accept a small compliment.

"Come now, there's no need for such harsh words, Cloud Retainer"

Madame Ping then also joined the conversation as she told the Adepti and us travelers about how Ningguang was building the Jade Chamber, starting with a building that was just as small as a little room and improved it with her own strength and effort.

Coming back to the reason why the Adepti were here in the first place, the white-haired female declined the wishes of the Adeptus, explaining that the Liyue from today isn't the one that it was a few thousand years ago as the contract between the Adepti and Rex Lapis was signed and that maybe, Liyue wasn't in the need of the protection from someone who didn't even shared the same ideals.

As the conversation continued, a male with short brown hair, who wore the clothes of a Millelith approached us as he then spoke up.

"I apologize for appearing in full armor. I'm afraid I cannot show the proper courtesies. I am Fengyan, a sergeant of the Millelith. I have come to extend my thanks to the Adepti"

 I have come to extend my thanks to the Adepti"

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Hello there <3

Ok this chapter isn't that long but be aware, the next ones are going to be because I plan on doing like two or three chapters before the story will end 🥲 maybe four but I'm not sure.

Okk but anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading and
had / have a good day 🤍

See you hopefully soon and enjoy the last bit of that story till it end  <333

~ Author-Chan

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