〜 chapter 6 〜

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The moment I reached the cathedral to meet with Aether, Paimon and Vneti, I was breathing heavily because I kinda ran all the way.

„Oh ( Y/N )!  Hey!  Ehm- why are you so out of breath?"

The emergency food asked curiously, floating around like always in front of the cathedral doors. But seemed like Venti and Aether were still inside.

„Oh- eh, I- I just don't wanted you guys to wait for me t- too long..."

I said inbetween some more heavy breaths

„nah, actually I just don't wanted childe or Scaramouche to follow me so I shaked them off before they could even think about it"

„Anyways, what did I miss?"

I asked her, but before she could even open her mouth to tell me, the doors to the cathedral rapidly opened and hit Paimon back and to the ground.

„Huh...? Huh?! Paimon, you ok?!"

I hurried over to the little figure on the ground that groaned in pain and held her little nose with her two hands.  I looked over to who came out of the doors and saw a kinda disappointed Venti going out of the building.

He looked at the ground, fingers on his chin like he was thinking about something.

But as he looked up, his eyes fell on me and Paimon and immediately, a big grin formed on his face.

„There you are! Ehe~ I already missed you"

He said, hands now on his hips. I smiled at him as my cheeks got slightly pink.

Aether also came out of the cathedral and seemed to notice me also. He smiled for a brief moment but as he saw Paimon next to me, obviously in pain, his smile faded away and he came our way.

"Paimon, what happened?"

He asked, kinda worried about his companion.

"Ughhh that tone-deaf bard just kicked the door directly in my face!"

I slightly snickered at the nickname she gave Venti, although,  he himself doesn't seemed to like the name.

"Eh, yeah sorry that was an accident"

He chuckled nervously as he fiddled with his fingers.


They than told me that the nun refused to give Venti the holy lyre because, obviously, it's a holy artifact that you don't just hand some strangers.

"Hehe~ Venti even said that he is Barbatos and hoped that the nun would buy that!"

The fairy besides Aether said laughing.


I said quite to myself but seemed like the bard heard it and raised an eyebrow at me. As I noticed that, I was quick to change the subject again.

"Sooo, what are you planning now? I mean, we need that lyre right?"

"Yeah that's right... and I have a fabulous plan how we get it!"

Venti said with almost too much enthusiasms.
He then told us about his plan that was... well, he wanted us to steal it.

"Hell nah, I am not going to steal anything! I just came here to Mondstadt and I'm not planning on going directly to the prison or dungeon for stealing the holy lyre!"

I said, absolutely against the plan. If they would captured me and find out my identity... that would surely not have a happy ending.

"You don't have to steal it yourself! You can just wait with me outside till Aether and Paimon get it and nobody is going to think you have something to do with that in any way"

The bard said, smiling happily at me.
I also thought it was our only option but it's not right either... but on the other hand, we are doing this for Dvalin right?  And I'm pretty sure this is also helping my own mission.

I took a deep breath

"Hmm ok I'm in"

I said, watching the bard as his smile grew even wider. Aether and the pixie-like creature besides hin just nodded and so it was decided.

We waited till the night came and now were standing inside the cathedral. Aether took a deep breath. He seemed a little bit nervous, I mean, who wouldn't be? He was about to steal something really important.

I looked him in the eyes and thought that a few word of encouragement would surely help him. So I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled brightly at him.

"Aether, you got this! I'm sure you can do it, and even if not, nobody is going to condemn you because of it"

"Maybe with a little exception of the whole ordo favonius... and the non's.... and maybe one or two citizens of Mondstadt....."

I shaked off the thoughts and believed in Aether that he was going to get the lyre.

At the words of encouragement, Aether got brightly red and nodded, hesitating a little bit.

He and Paimon than made there way to get the holy lyre and Venti an I were going outside to wait for the other two to come back.

He and Paimon than made there way to get the holy lyre and Venti an I were going outside to wait for the other two to come back

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Here we gooo

I'm trying write the next one a little bit longer ^-^
Let's see 🤍

Also, im sorry if this chapter is kinda shitty because it's really late rn and I'm so tired, idkkk😴

Hope you guys enjoyed, have a nice day / evening

~ Author-Chan

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