〜 chapter 33 〜

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After this certain incident at the flower shop, Zhongli received the silk flowers for a lower price due to the fear of the shop owner I guess. His arm seemed to be pretty damaged after all.

Zhongli came back to his normal behavior immediately after we left the shop, smiling at me after reassuring himself that I was ok after the actions of the other male.

"We are going to get some kites now, right?"

I asked, remembering what the taller male told me before about our tasks.

"Yes, that's right. But I already did some orders before so it should be all prepared"

He answered, nodding his head along.

We made our way to the shop that was supposed to sell the Kites and were immediately met with an old lady. Not gonna lie, she was a little bit strange after she told me that she not only sells toys for kids but also... for adults?

I don't wanted to ask any further about it and just sheepishly chuckled at the lady that had a wide grin on her face after we received the kites that Zhongli had ordered before and decided to meet up with Aether and Paimon again.

We walked a little while until I spotted the
blonde-haired traveler and his companion as they were talking to an oh so familiar ginger-head.

I slightly sweat-dropped at this, wondering what Childe was doing since he seemed to be trying to get some information from the other male. But it wasn't that surprising after all since I barely could inform the other harbingers about anything that happened.

I didn't even saw Scaramouche and signora since we reached Liyue. But there wasn't really an opportunity either, expect from that one morning when I met Chongyun the first time but I don't wanted to waste my free time, in particular when I didn't really had any more information back then.

So I guess Childe is just trying to catch up on whatever was going on, meanwhile signora and Scaramouche had their own plan how it seemed.

Zhongli and I approached the three and I waved at them as they noticed our arrival.

"Aether, Paimon. And Childe I guess",

I said, smiling at the three

""I guess"?"

Childe repeated my words as he doesn't seemed to be that happy about my choice of words. I just chuckled at the harbinger as I beamed a closed-eye smile towards him before I continued what I was about to say

"Did you get all the things we need?"

I asked as I turned to the traveler who nodded at us and showed some of the things.

"That's great. We still need to get one things after all. We need the so called "Everlasting Incense" from the Bubu Pharmacy"

Zhongli stated, looking at a few of the objects that the others brought.

I nodded at his words and so did Aether who was now standing besides me again before we went over to the Bubu Pharmacy as Childe said he had some other stuff to do and also went somewhere else.

As we reached our destination, we were met a seemingly empty room. No one was standing behind the counter and the air was rather chilly as Paimon said out loud my thoughts

"Huh, the reception is deserted. And it seems kinda spooky in here..."

The pixie said as chills ran down her spine.

"H- hello? Is anybody there?"

She asked, trying to find someone in the rather small room.

"Welcome to Bubu Pharmacy"

I could hear a someone say, rather silent and it sounded kinda lazy.

"Huh?! D- did you guys hear that?! W- where did it come from?!"

Paimon asked as she floated behind my back to protect herself from whoever or whatever was there in the room with us.

I just signed, knowing that there must be someone behind the reception and went over to prove that there wasn't a ghost or anything.

I didn't knew what I was expecting but it was surely... not a child.

Behind the counter stand a little girl with light purple hair reaching her shoulders at the sides with a long plait in the back and magenta colored eyes.

She was wearing kinda unique purple clothings and had some symbol attached to her little hat that she was wearing.

"Oh, there you are. But... you can't even reach the counter"

Paimon said as I looked at her suspicious.

"Arent you even smaller than her?"

I thought but not wanting to say it loud since I swear she would just get mad at me.

"Hey uh... what is that talisman doing on you're forehead?"

She continued, also noticing the symbol attached to her hat until something came to her small mind.

"It can't be.... are you... a zombie?!"

Paimon asked, again, floating a little bit backwards.

"Welcome to Bubu Pharmacy. I am Qiqi"

The little girl behind the counter said with a small smile on her face as she waved at us.

"Once upon a time, Qiqi died. Then, Qiqi was saved by the Adepti. Now Qiqi is a zombie"

The purple-haired girl said, laying one hand on her chest.

To imagine that this little girl should be a zombie was kinda hard because except for her way of speaking, she didn't really looked so lifeless I guess.

"Hello... little girl. Do you may sell Everlasting Incense here?"

Zhongli then spoke up, going directly back to business.

He and the apparent zombie than had a short talk and we ended up by searching for the "legendary cocogoat"...

How could this even happen?

I signed to myself as we were about to leave the building again, not really believing that there is really something like a "cocogoat". Not much could surprise me anymore but that? I couldn't imagine.

But we made our way near Guizhong Ballista nevertheless since we needed this Everlasting Incense anyway.

But we made our way near Guizhong Ballista nevertheless since we needed this Everlasting Incense anyway

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Hello there <3

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, even if there wasn't much happening UwU

I'm most likely writing my first oneshot tomorrow and it's going to be a Childe x reader story bc why not? And after that a Yandere!Ningguang x reader since it was requested :3 mhm just for the ones to know who are planning on reading it xD

Yeahh thank you sm for reading and I hope you
had / have a good day and see you hopefully soon 🤍

~ Author-Chan

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