〜 chapter 29 〜

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( just for you to know, I'm going to skip the part with the other two Adepti because I think it's just a waste in time since there isn't much happening. So you know wich Adepti is going to get some screen time again Ehe~ )

We made our way to the wangshu inn again to also inform the Yaksha about Rex Lapis death after we found and informed the other two Adepti. And like I said, fate didn't played a single role in the whole thing. We just had to bring some food...

I couldn't help but to think that this would be exactly what Paimon would do as an Adeptus. Nah ok, I guess that wouldn't happen either way.

Imagine the only really one who would protect you, would be Paimon...

No need to say anymore to this.

Anyway, the traveler, his little companion and I reached the inn after a long time of wandering along the road.

The sun had set already as the stars shone bright at the night sky above us as we entered the inn, we made our way to the top balcony since Verr Goldet said we would most likely find the Yaksha there.

She also told us to be bring some almond tofu if Xiao wouldn't come because it's his favorite food and he would most likely stay as long as he has his food.


Almond tofu?

Like the almond tofu that I had? That just... vanished?

I slightly sweat-dropped as I finally noticed where the food most likely went...


We decided to just try it without the tofu first and as we were standing on the balcony, we were met with the same beautiful view as before. The night sky just made the whole landscape a whole much better as the stars were reflecting in the water and all the little firefly's were floating around.

I rested my arms on the railing as I looked down, still admiring the view even if I saw it before. Aether was standing a little bit behind me, also looking at the horizon.

"( Y/N ), what Are you doing here?"

I heard a familiar voice call out and looked to my left to see the Adepti that we were searching for, standing besides be, arms crossed as his Amber eyes were fixed on me.

"Ah, Hey Xiao! We were looking for you"

I said, happy that he came just so.


He asked raising an eyebrow at me before I nodded and pointed towards Aether who was now taking a few steps forward.

"Oh, you"

Xiao said, now finally also noticing the traveler.

And like the last time, there stare-contest began again with looks of venom. Why do the two just don't come along...?

I was standing in the middle of the two and felt slightly uncomfortable in the situation of the two staring daggers into one another.

"Uhm, Anyways, we were here to tell you something important"

I said, trying to ease the tension, to what the Yaksha finally averted his gaze from the traveler towards me as a sign to listen.

I hesitated a little bit, remembering how serious the subject was but told him nevertheless.

„Rex lapis... has been killed"

I said looking at Xiao who was now looking more shocked than bored and stoic as before.

It was silent for a moment and I explained the whole story to him so he could understand what exactly happened back in Liyue.

„Rex Lapis... how could this be?"

The Yaksha began, rather silent as if he would talk to himself.

„I... can't imagine. Though time changed, I've never imagined a Liyue without him. The ruling Qixing... just what role have they played in this?"

He said as it got silent once more before he spoke up again.

„I will seek moon carver, mountain shaper and cloud retainer. It's time they too made their decision"

„will the Adepti take over his role in Liyue?"

Aether asked, finally laying his strange behavior towards Xiao besides.

„Adepti do not turn on their responsibility. I have my reasons to not want to be tainted by the mortal realm, but... responsibilities are responsibilities"

The Yaksha answered, looking at the traveler.

„But when Rex Lapis is dead, isn't you're contract with him also invalid?"

Paimon suddenly asked out if curiosity.

Well, I could understand her thinking. I mean, if you had a contract or something with someone that died, it wouldn't do anything for either of them. But I don't think it's that simple by a god...

The Adeptus didn't seemed to be much amused about this question. After all, the contract already concluded a few thousand years ago and I just don't think that something like that can just broke apart in one minute to the other.

The pixie seemed to also noticed the look the Adepti gave her and understand immediately that this wasn't really a smart question.

Xiao then decided to made his way towards the other Adepti as he stole a last glance at my figure and disappeared just like that.

Aether and I then made our way back to the harbor to meet up with Childe again since we finished the task he gave us.

Aether and I then made our way back to the harbor to meet up with Childe again since we finished the task he gave us

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Hello there 🤍

First of all, sorry if there should be any mistakes in this chapter since I'm really tired right now ( ̄▽ ̄)

And just for you to know, I actually wasn't planning that Aether and Xiao wouldn't like each other at all but it was just out of affect ('⊙ω⊙')

Yeah yeah but we aren't at the Aether harem anyways so ig it's ok ╰(*'︶'*)╯

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and had / have a good day 🤍

( and since I didn't said that for a long time now, please correct me if you spot any mistakes in this and every other chapter, tyy <3 )

~ Author-Chan

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