〜 chapter 27 〜

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„( Y/N )! Were here!"

I heard Paimon yell.

I looked to my left and saw the pixie waving at me from a little distance. Besides her, Aether was standing, looking around for a place to watch the ceremony as I approached them.

"Hey there"

I said, waving slightly and smiled at the two.

"Did you buy me some food??"

Paimon asked excitedly as she clapped her hands together.

"Paimon, ( Y/N ) wasn't going around to buy you all kinds of food..."

Aether said, rather silent since he knew that the fairy-like creature wasn't going to stop to ask for it.

"Anyway, what did you do?"

He asked with a slight smile on his face, now looking at me.

"Hmm at first I was just going around and looked at all the little shops",

I said, smiling at the thought

"Oh and I met a boy! His name is Chongyun and he is really nice"

I said, now smiling more brightly. Chongyun is really kind, even if he has a cold facade. It's nice to talk with him.

"Oh... I see"

Aether said, looking kinda unpleased.

I wonder why?


In the middle of the square stand a Woman with long blonde, almost white hair and fancy clothes how it seemed.

Meanwhile, we three made our way to the front of the crowded place and watched as the female in front did, well, her job I guess?

The sky darkened and I already had a bad feeling but since nobody else seemed to be troubled about something, I thought it was just my feeling, nothing more.

But with every second, my feeling just got worse, particularly as you could hear a little bit of thunder from the sky and from one second to the other, a dragon, Rex Lapis, fell from the clouds down on the ground.

There was a huge impact as I covered my face with my arms to avoid the little stones and dirt from the ground that were sent flying in all directions.

I took my arms down again and saw the woman in front approaching the dragon that was now laying on the ground, not moving an inch. It was quite for a moment and you could only hear the wisperst of the people around.

"Rex Lapis has been killed, seal the exits!"

The female suddenly said.

"Rex Lapis has been killed? Are you kidding me...?"

I thought as Aether suddenly grabbed my arm to run away.

I didn't really knew if this would complicate my mission or make it easier but that was something I could think later of since we had to run away from the guards.

At first, none of them saw us but Paimon just had to float against a wall as she wasn't looking forward and groaned in pain, what dragged the attention of the guards towards us.

I sighed at this but felt Aether grabbing my wrist again and dragged me down the stairs nearby, Paimon following close, holding her hands against her nose because of the impact with the wall.

We ran down the stairs but as we were about to go around the corner, some millelith were blocking our way forward and also the stairs that we came from.

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