〜 chapter 5 〜

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On my way to my comrades, I felt by body gets heavier and heavier but that was nothing new to my. It's always happening after I'm using my ability's and I got a little bit pale. Even though I wasn't using much of my own blood, it still seemed to have an impact on me.

"I'm just a little bit rusty..."

It was true, I didn't really used my powers the time before because I hadn't really had the chance to do so. And also are there two specific fatui harbingers who always tell me to "don't overwork myself" and refuse to let me go on dangerous missions and doing them themselve instead.

I was smiling to myself as I thought about how overprotective childe and also Scaramouche could be. It wasn't really a surprise for me that childe acted that may, I mean who wouldn't care about there comrades right?

It was rather surprisingly that Scaramouche would do something like this and even if he is always showing his cold side to everyone, I know exactly that he also could be a caring person.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard someone calling my name

" ( Y/N )!"

I turned my face to where the voice came from and could see childe coming my way.

A few meters behind, Scaramouche followed him and approached me.

"Why are you so pale? What happened?"

He asked, eyes directed to my slightly pale face.

"Chill, I was just using my powers to defeat some flying monster"

I said, chuckling slightly.
Scaramouche seemed like he was going to say something but shut his mouth immediately. I then looked over to childe who seemed also kinda worried.

"So? Do you have some information or not?"

Signora asked as she came our way, raising an eyebrow.

"Eh, I think I'm on a good way. I just met a few people who are kinda... interesting I would say. I just think I could figure something out if I'm staying by there sides for some time"

I said to them, not mentioning the whole thing about Dvalin because on one hand, it doesn't matter if I want to help because when I'm going to "follow" Aether and the others, I had to do it anyways so it's just a part of my own mission.

On the other hand, when I would tell Scaramouche and childe about a dragon that want to destroy Mondstadt and it's people, there would be no way that the two would let me go just like that to face this dragon.

Childe than raised an eyebrow at me.

"What do you mean by "interesting people"?"

"That one guy is named Aether and he is coming from another world how it seems. He is searching for his sister who got kidnapped from an unknown god. He is very kind"

I said, smiling a little bit to myself

"Paimon is Aether's companion and kinda looks like a fairy. She is just floating around. And then there is Venti the bard. He is, well just a bard but he told us about...."

"Oh crap wait, I can't tell them about the Dvalin thing. They wouldn't let me go back to the others"

"...About what?"

Scaramouche asked, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"Well... he just told us about a very old tale about Mondstadt and I don't know how he know so much detail's about it. But that's all I know"

I said, kinda nervous and hoping they wouldn't ask any further questions. But with my luck...

"What tale did he tell you about?"

Signora asked to my dismay.

"Eh- I can't remember the whole thing... it was something about, eh, a dragon or so, I don't know"

"Hm? You mean Stormterror?"

She asked

"Ah yeah something like that I think... anyway, that's all I figured out until now so I think I should get going now! Bye!"

I said and turned around. But again, I was stopped.
I could feel someone hold on my wrist, but not in a harsh way, it was a a light grip.

I turned around to see Scaramouche behind me.

"Hm? What is it?"

He pulled me a little bit closer to him so our faces were just inches away. I got slightly flustered from his actions as he just raised an eyebrow

"Now tell me that you aren't going to fight that Dragon"

He said, holding his voice low so the other two didn't heard what he had said.

I gulped and chuckled slightly at what he said. I can't just lie to him. I think there is no other way than fighting Dvalin to stop him so I can't just say I am not going to do that.

Besides that, I couldn't really think straight right now. I was never being so close to Scaramouche than that before.

Were his eyes always so beautiful?

"( Y/N ) you should get going now or this "Aether" and the others become suspicious"

Childe said, approaching us as he placed his hand on Scaramouche's shoulder and looked kinda annoyed at him, who was still standing inches away from me and had his grip on my wrist. At first, Scaramouche didn't even bother to look up at him but as Childe then tightened his grip on his shoulder a little bit, Scaramouche turned his head in the direction from the ginger head.

The two shared a short death glare and I used this opportunity to take my arm out of Scaramouche's hand and rushed away.


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Hey hey heyy 🦉

This chapter is coming a little bit late sry xD

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this it and are excited for the next one 🤍 could be that I am going to publish chapter 6 later because I want to write it nowww

And I'm saying this like all the time I think, idk anymore but I have to thank you guys for more than 300 reads 😔🤚🤍 I really, and I mean really didn't expected that xD and yes, yes it could be that I am going to say that every time I got like 1 more read bc it really means a lot to me <3

Thank you all for reading and pls tell me if I made some mistakes thank u ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

~ Author-Chan

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