〜 chapter 2 〜

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( short a/n: sooo I just wanted to say that in this book, Scaramouche's vision is electro. Mihoyo didn't mentioned his vision yet but I assume it is. So, electro it is )


It was a morning like every other morning. I was just sitting in the cold breeze, reading a book and waited until I would hear something from the Tsaritsa about my mission. After a while I could see Signora coming in my view.

Ugh, I can't stand her, really

She was wearing her significant smirk like always and was approaching me, trying to look as intimidating as possible but it didn't really work on me.

I looked at her with a stern look and raised an eyebrow to wich she just slightly chuckled.

" we are going on a mission together ( Y/N ) dear, that's awesome isn't it?"

She asked with a teasing tone but I could see her slightly displeased look. Well, I wasn't happy about the mission either. Not at all. I didn't even know what it is exactly but I was just about to go to the Tsaritsa herself and complain about this mission, until...

"Signora, stop teasing our little princess"

I knew this voice too well by now and like I expected, Childe peeked over Signoras shoulder and on his face was a big grin. Through, he seemed more excited that usually. I had a questionable look written on my face as I looked at him, until I saw a smaller figure with a big hat that came out behind childe.

,,we are all going on that mission, not only you and ( Y/N )"

Scaramouche directed his word towards Signora who only huffed in response.

When he turned his head towards me, I could see his gaze slightly softened. He then tells me about our mission.

"We are going around Teyvat to collect the gnosis from the archons."

I was a bit shocked at firs, I mean, Archons? Gods? Are you for real boy? I heard that Barbatos, the Anemo Archon just disappeared one day. How are we supposed to find him? And it's not like it's easy to find and steal the gnosis from the other ones.
But in the end, I didn't complain about it because it's a mission that the Tsaritsa entrusted us with.


It didn't take long until we were on our way to Mondstadt. The first gnosis we wanted was the one from Barbatos. Honestly, I still don't have clue how we are about to find him. I mean, it's not like a god will just appear in the middle of the city and play some tales while playing lyre... Right?

Anyways, it take a little bit of time but when we finally arrived, I came up with a plan.

"I think it's better when just one of us is going inside. That wouldn't drag that much of attention towards us. In fact, I think I should g-"


I looked at childe with a confused look. He turned his head in my direction and simply said

,, it's to dangerous for our little princess here to go alone"

Dangerous? You kidding? It's not like I am a harbinger for no reason.

"I agree with him"

I heard Scaramouche say. They both looked at me with kinda a stern look but you could see a little bit of worry written in it. "For real now?" I thought to myself. I wanted to protest but was again cut off when Signora decided to speak.

"Heeh? What are you so afraid of? That you're little ( Y/N ) here is going go get hurt? I mean, she is a Harbinger just like you two and it's not like someone will kill her in the middle of the city"

She said kinda teasingly.

She then put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a smirk.

"I think you are the best option we have. We three would drag too much attention towards us"

What's with this smirk, lady?

Childe and Scaramouche seemed like they wanted to complain about it again but I spoke up first.

"It didn't matter what anyone of guys say, I already made up my mind."

When I had something I wanted to do than nobody could change my mind. That was some habit I always had, or rather since that one day I almost died because I obviously didn't remember anything that happened before.

Since the two boys know this too well, they didn't say anything more. You could only see a slight scowl on there faces.

"Then, see you guys later!"

I beamed a closed-eye smile towards the boys to wich there looks softened a bit and you could see a slightly shade of pink on there cheeks.

I was about to leave the place and head towards the gates of Mondstadt when I felt someone hold on my shoulder. I turned around to see childe who looked me deep in the eyes

"Be careful"

He said, loosened his grip again and took a step back.

I smiles slightly again at his actions and nodded.

I was then on my way towards Mondstadt and you could say I was excited. I never saw something like Mondstadt before. All I could remember were the cold winds and the white snow from snezhnaya.

 All I could remember were the cold winds and the white snow from snezhnaya

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Hey heyy, hope you liked that chapter.
I don't really know how to think about it but yeah xD

Also sorry for every signora stan here 🤍 it's kinda necessary for some parts of the story that she doesn't get along with ( Y/N ) so I'm really sorry if you like her.
Here is a cookie as compensation 🍪🥛

Again, if you spot some mistakes pls tell me, thx 🤍

~ Author-Chan

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