〜 chapter 46 〜

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( this chapter contains slight mention of blood. And by gods sake I can't write fight scenes, I'm sorry )

Stepping inside the Golden house, I fiddled with my chain that was placed around my neck like always as Aether was walking a little bit in front of me to make sure there weren't any traps or something. Not like I couldn't solve them myself if there were some, but Aether refused to let me go first.

I wasn't that much nervous as before anymore since the blond-haired male encouraged me a few moments ago, but I still had a gut feeling about this whole thing, preparing for literally anything as I thought about also using my special ability if needed to. But I didn't knew if this was that good of an idea since I rarely used it since we stated our mission.

As I accidentally gripped too tightly on the crystal that was placed on my chain, I felt a slight pain in my fingertip as I looked down, remembering that it had a crack due to the fall from the stairs back in Mondstadt, as it was now slightly sharp in the middle where the crack was placed.

I signed as a little blood drop dripped from my fingertip to the flat ground as we made our way in the middle of the golden house.

I placed my arm besides me again, not minding the little injury since it was barely noticeable and looked around, searching for the ginger-head as we walked forward again, approaching the end of the round building where the body of Rex Lapis himself was placed as a pillar was holding him in place.

Looking up, I analyzed every detail of the now cold body, noticing that even if the dragon was quite large, he wasn't as huge as Stormterror. It felt kinda surreal that this was supposed to be the god of Geo. And also, I thought that even if a god died, there must be the slightest bit of god-like power left inside of the body that was supposed to be noticeable for me. But there wasn't even the tiniest bit of power that emanated from the god.

Raising a brow at the dragon that seemed more like some decoration without any power or something like that, Paimon spoke up after rambling about how fancy it looked inside of the building.

"Eh, wait, where are all the guards?"

She asked, turning her head to every side as she didn't found any Millelith standing there. It wasn't until then that I also noticed this. The golden house was full with mora and still, no Millelith were here to guard it? It was strange.

"Uhhh, Paimon smells trouble..."

She said as she finally found one of the guards behind a pillar near us. Just that he wasn't standing straight and instead laid motionless on the ground, face first.

"Oh Childe, what did you do?"

I asked myself, sighing to myself at the way he would solve his problems until I heard a familiar voice ring through my ears.

"You've already fulfilled your task as guides, so why do you still linger here? Haven't you already seen enough trouble today?"

"Huh?! Where is there?!"

Paimon asked with raised voice as she turned around to see an familiar ginger-head coming up the few stairs towards us.

He still had his smile in his face but as we three fully came into his view, his lips twitched for a brief second as he then looked at me with a look mixed of surprise and cluelessness. I could tell just from his look that he didn't thought I would be here.

But still, I was traveling with Aether and Paimon a while now and I can't just run away every time we would encounter some Fatui, so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise either.

"Looks like we were just in time..."

Aether said with a low voice, glaring at Childe as he stepped a little bit in front of me, shielding me from the ginger-head.

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