〜 chapter 25 〜

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I was still sitting on the ground as I heard the male in front of me slightly sighing. He raised his hand and hold the mask that we wore, pulling it down from his face. His Amber eyes were now clearly visible as the still rising sun shone on his pale skin.

"You should be more careful next time, mortal"

He said, now closing his eyes and turned around.

"Ehm- I- Thank you!"

I wasn't really sure what to say so I just thanked the male for saving me. He turned his head and was looking at me from the corner of his eye, his face still so stoic as before.

"You shouldn't thank me..."

He muttered and looked back in front.

I still could hear what he said and was slightly confused about his comment. Why shouldn't I? He saved me.

I tried to stand up but as I was on my feet again, my head felt like it was spinning around and the pain in my stomach was still very noticeable so I felt my feet going small steps back and forth before I lost my balance and fell again.

But before I could even reach the ground, I felt an arm around my body that held me up to prevent me from falling.

I looked up to me left where the black haired male was standing, holding me with his one arm around mr stomach and the other placed on my shoulder.

He sighed one more time before raising my arm and laying it around his neck to support me. I was about to thank him again but seemed like he noticed

"Like I said, there is no need to say thanks"

He said as had his eyes closed again.

"Oh ok... Ehm... if I may ask, what's you're name...?"

I asked, not knowing what else to say.

He turned his head to the side, our faces now only inches apart.

"Adeptus Xiao"

He said to my surprise. I heard of the Adepti before but never could imagine to see one with my own eyes. Now, I also recognized his mask. He was a Yaksha, I was sure about that. As I was reading a story about them, they said that there were five yaksha, three of them dead, one vanished one day and the last one is still protecting Liyue.

So this was the last yaksha? I didn't thought they would look like humans, neither such good looking humans...

"My name is ( Y/N )"

I said since it would be rude asking for his name but not telling mine.

I then remembered the little ghost-girl that I came here with and looked around but couldn't see her anywhere.

"Let's play again some other time!"

I could hear her voice ringing through my ear but still couldn't see her

"What are you looking for?"

The Adeptus asked, raising an eyebrow at my actions.

"Did you... saw a little girl somewhere? Or rather a ghost?"

I asked as I was looking at the male again. He shook his head as a no and began to walk towards the inn with me still clinging around his neck.

I signed to myself, asking me where the girl might went but for the fact that she was a ghost, it wasn't that surprisingly either that she just vanished.

As the two of us reached the inn, I could already see Aether and Paimon who were walking around, the male seemed kinda nervous.

He was now talking with someone, or rather asking something but the person just shook there head no and continued whatever they were doing before.

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