〜 chapter 3 〜

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Aether's POV

Paimon and I just left the knights HQ after Jean, the acting grandmaster, gave me the title of "honorary knight". I was a little bit shocked first, it's not all day you become such a title.

My train of thoughts got interrupted by Paimon, speaking of that guy we saw with the dragon and how we didn't tell Jean about him...
Or her?
Ah, I don't know, I couldn't really make out the gender.

But seemed like I was just about to find out because the small emergency food besides me spotted him... her? No him... just maybe her... but rather him I think.
Never mind.

We ran after the green figure and we came pretty close until I suddenly run into someone and fell to the ground and basically lay on the other person.
I was quick to get up and set in front of the other figure that still lay on the ground, hands over her face, probably from the pain.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" I asked, worried and kinda embarrassed.

She then set up and took her hands away from her face. I was looking directly in her ( E/C ) eyes, her ( H/C ) hair was kinda messy because of the impact and the chain around her neck sparkles like her eyes.

I couldn't help but blush a little bit at the view, till I noticed I was starting a little bit to long. I quickly avoided my eyes from her and looked elsewhere. I could see her slightly smile from the corner of my eye.

"It's alright, it didn't hurt much"

She said as her smile grew even wider.

"May I ask why you were in such a hurry?"

She asked as I helped her on her feet again. "Oh, I absolutely forgot about that guy in green!" I thought.

I think it was written on my face that I remembered something important because she looked at me with a confused look and raised one eyebrow.

"Ehm, I- I have to go now! See you around, m- maybe"

"Why did I stutter?!"

It was kinda embarrassing at this moment but I payed no mind to it and made my way to search for the green figure.

( Y/N ) POV 

This guy seemed kinda interesting... and kinda cute if you ask me. Even more, I had a feeling that he could be a help to me aka my mission, so I decided to follow him.

I made sure he doesn't notice my presence behind him and his flying fairy or whatever it is.

He seemed to follow someone and ended up in front of the statue of Barbatos. Right before was a bard, playing on his lyre and telling a tale from a dragon. I already heard from that story, stormterror, the dragon that was full of hatred against his once loved people. It kinda hurt me that he believed that his people betrayed him because Mondstadt seemed to be filled with very nice and kind people.

After the story ended, the bard looked around the applauding people with his blue-green eyes that scanned through the crowd. After a moment, his eyes stayed on me and we locked gazes with one another. A slight smile was placed on his face as it seemed like he would look directly through my soul.

What was this feeling I had about him? His aura felt  a lot different that that from the other ones... I didn't know how I would exactly describe this feeling.

What felt like hours of looking at each other, were only seconds and they endet just as fast as they begun. I blinked a few times as the bard avoided his eyes and went over to the boy I met before and his pixie like creature-fried. I then decided to approach them too and made my way over

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