〜 chapter 43 〜

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Arriving at my destination, the Dihua Marsh, I already saw Aether, Zhongli and Paimon standing, or in Paimons case floating, already near the river and talking about something till I approached them with a big grin on my face.

The two males smiled at me as they noticed my presence and Paimon rushed over in an instant, floating around me before asking the obvious question.

"Hey ( Y/N )! Did you bring food?"

She asked as I could see her already drooling to which I just slightly chuckled.

"Yes Paimon, I brought the food"

I said, taking it out and handing it over to the little pixie as she grabbed it immediately and begun to eat, not thinking about the possibility to ask the others if they may are also hungry.

"Hey, how did it went?"

I asked as I turned back to the blonde traveler, interested about what they found out at the Fatui camp since Scaramouche and Signora also didn't know what Childe's plan was.

"Well, it seems like the Fatui is trying to copy the sigil of permission. Since they were used in the Archon war to gain power, its most likely that the Fatui want to also get these powers for whatever reason..."

Aether said, kinda uneasy since he knew that this wouldn't mean something good.


I wasn't sure what Childe had planned and made a mental note to ask him about it if I would get the chance to as Zhongli then cleared his throat before speaking up.

"All the Business with the Fatui to the sides now, we are here to gather wild glaze lilies"

He said as Paimon finally finished her little meal and turned to us again, kinda confused about Zhongli's words.

"Huh? Glaze lilies? But why did we come all the way out here? Doesn't the garden in Yujing Terrace have some? Even Qingce Village has Glaze lilies... oh and Paimon remembers that that Madame Ping is always tending to flowers, maybe we can ask her!"

The pixie said, still confused why we had to go all the way to Dihua Marsh if we could just buy some back at the harbor.

"No, these lilies have all been gardened by people. They won't do at all. Dihua Marsh used to be full of glaze lilies. It is a sort of joyful flower that listens to human songs"

Zhongli explained as he continued with a story about the Dihua Marsh at the Archon war, that was filled with lilies back then but almost every flower got destroyed as the war continued. A few reminded in the wild as the others got gardened by the people again, but Zhongli told us that we would need the wild flowers for the rite of parting.

He then said he needed our help to gather them but not only to pick them up and instead to sind a song for the flowers. And to my dismay, I was the one who had to do the hard work.


I then cleared my throat, cheeks already slightly tinted pink because I didn't knew if I was even able to hold a tune and that would be, well, embarrassing...

I breathed out and then in again, starting to summ a little song. One song that Venti once played on his harp, back in Mondstadt.

I slightly looked at my left as I saw Aether raising his hand, hiding his face from whatever as I saw his ears that were slightly tinted pink after I started summing the melody.

Continuing the song, I regretted it after a few more seconds as three pyro-whopperflowers came out if the ground, already ready to attack as I quickly drew my sword and sliced it through the first one immediately out of instinct.

The blond-haired traveler also had his sword in his hands as he went over to attack. Without saying a single thing, we slayed the flower-like creatures and put our swords back, relaxing again as the remains of them turned into dust, the wind carrying it away.

"Ugh, these weren't glaze lilies!",

Paimon then shouted from behind us.

"Oh really Paimon? I can't believe!"

I slightly sweat-dropped as Paimon couldn't hold back but point out the obvious...

"Glaze lilies wouldn't hit people!"

She continued rambling about that, anxious to ever pick flowers again before Zhongli spoke up.

"Hmm... Strange. This petals look interesting. The glaze lilies used as a disguise were buried with the whoppflower for too long. The result seems to have surprisingly potent medicinal value. Let's collect what we can of these petals"

He said, looking at the spot where the flower-like creatures once were.

„Well, that's nice and all, but will those petals be useful for the rite of parting?"

Paimon then asked to which the brown-haired male just shook his head as no, a sigh escaped the pixies mouth.

„Excuse me..."

I then heard a gentle voice from behind us as I turned around to the cause of it, revealing Ganyu, the light-blue haired girl that was sent to invite us to the Jade Chamber before.

„Are you searching for glaze lilies?"

„Are you searching for glaze lilies?"

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Hey there 🤍

Um, I just realized how far we already are at this story. Like, there isn't much left to write and I honestly can't imagine to not sit down and write an chapter every day when this book is finished ('∀`) sure sure, I still have my one-shot book but it's not the sameeee

Yeah but that's something for another day,

I hope you enjoyed reading and had / have a good day <3

See you hopefully soon

~ Author-Chan

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