〜 chapter 12 〜

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As Aether put Dvalins tears out, you could clearly see that the color of this ones was more muddy than the one before.

"Dvalin... You're going through so much Pain..."

Venti, who was standing besides me, muttered.

"Anyway, traveler, would you please purify the tears?"

He asked, looking in the direction of Aether.

The blond-haired boy just nodded and like he did before, he purified the three tears in front of us.

"They look kinda beautiful..."

I mumbled under my breath as I was watching the crystal-like tears that were floating in the middle of us all. The sun was reflecting the blue color and it doesn't looked like a tear that was formed out of pain.

Aether than used the tears on the Lyre again and the moment the lyre absorbed the tears, it doesn't looked like it was an old relict that was a few thousand years old. Not at all. The strings glowed a slight blue and the white and golden details looked like there were just attached to it.

We than thought about a place where we, or specifically Venti, could use the lyre. We couldn't do it near the city, that would be too dangerous for the people that live there, so we thought about other places.

Preferably a place high and near the sea so that the sound of the instrument could be carried easily by the wind to reach Dvalin.

"So, you mean a Cliff would be the best option?"

I asked. The boy in green besides me just nodded and thought about the cliffs nearby and so did the others.

"Probably the starnatch cliff. I think it would be the best place due to the free space there. There also shouldn't be much Hilichur chaps around, as far as I know"

Diluc said.

It didn't took long for all of us to agree. Or rather everyone with an exception from me because I honestly had no clue where the starsnatch cliff was.

We made our way to the cliff and reached it in no time. As we made our way to peak of the cliff, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful view.

The wind slightly brushed through my ( H/C ) hair, the sun was reflecting my ( E/C ) eyes and was shining against my ( S/C ) skin. I smiled slightly to myself as I brushed a few strings of my hair behind my ear and looked at the sea in front of us.

Little did I knew, I wasn't the only one who admired the view. But not because of the landscape.

I turned around too see that the other ones were already staring at me. There faces had a slight shade of pink but I didn't really took note of this.
The little pixie besides the Traveler and Jean was slightly confused

"What are you guys staring at?"

She asked. I could ask the same question to be honest but maybe it was just the sight of the sea?

Venti than cleared his throat and took the lyre in his hands. A big grin plastered on his face as the then turned around and walked a few more steps towards the end of the cliff.

He took a deep breath and started playing a song from Mondstadt. It really was a beautiful sound to listen to. I was enjoying the song for a few moments until I felt the ground slightly shaking.

Out of reflex, I hold onto the nearest object to me and how it seemed, this was Jeans right arm.

I hold tight on her arm but Jean didn't complain. She just gave me a soft smile until I saw a blue object in front of us.

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