The Voice of a God

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  Azriel had leaned too close to her.

  He sensed the transition in the air almost instantly, had witnessed the nervousness in her eyes.

  He had gotten too close, and her reaction only made him uneasy. Did she look upon his face and instantly remember that night in Sangravah? Was his close proximity a constant, relentless, reminder of what had been done to her?

  His shadows were silent, as if they too knew the answer.

  Azriel shook his head, trying to focus on the absurd tasks Cassian had requested from him. White doves were to be exposed in every corner of the temple. Matching flowers had to be perfectly placed in every area. The list went on, and Azriel knew it was mostly to jest him, one last time.

  But his gaze was continuously angled towards the alter, at the orchestra, at her.

  He did not want to admit that he did, in fact, forget completely about the necklace. After placing it on the neck of the most stunning woman, and have her reject it...he wiped it out of his memory completely.

  But now, seeing it on Gwyn's shimmering skin...

  He could not believe, that even Elain, had not looked as beautiful in it as Gwyn does in this moment. 

  Azriel tried to focus on the ridiculous birds, but could barely keep an eye on anything except for the woman in teal.

  Guests would be arriving soon and he had to retreat back to the house of wind. Cassian wanted Azriel and Rhys to be with him, before he was officially a "mated man." 

  So, with one last glance at Gwyn, he headed for the exit, damn the birds.

  His arrival at the house was silent, secretive, just like always. 

  He heard his brothers laughing from the dining room and tucked in his wings as he went to join.

 "Make sure to dismiss all the servants if you are planning to fight," Rhys chuckled beside Cassian, drink in one hand.

 "What other good advice could you give a future mated man?" Cassian asked.

  Rhys only shook his head with a smirk, "With time, you will learn everything."

  Azriel stood in the doorway, staring at their beaming faces, full of love. He was so happy for his brothers, nothing could compare to his happiness for them.

  But, he felt that hollow, aching, darkness in the pit of his stomach. A twinge of jealousy that he was too ashamed to admit to anyone.

  It was always Azriel...the one in the group that was an outsider. The one in the group that had every woman he had truly wanted...reject him. 

  Watching them silently at the dining table only reminded him of all the nights he spent watching Mor... how many years he had yearned for her. And now centuries later, after he felt that he had truly moved on, this infatuation with Elaine began.

  Elain, another rejection.

  He pulled himself together before walking towards the candlelit dinner table. The men both looked up with excitement, and Azriel damned his chest for ever feeling such jealousy about their lives.  

  "You definitely had problems with those doves, didn't you?" Cassian burst out laughing when he witnessed the white feathers all over Azriel. 

  Azriel shook his head, grinning in the process. " A few of them flew away."

  The next thirty minutes consisted of all three brothers reflecting on all their times in this house. Azriel sat with his own drink in his hand, trying not to be completely submerged in the darkness. He tried not to feel the aches, even when Cassian pulled them all together.

 "You will always be my brothers, no matter what happens in this life or the next. This is just the beginning of our journey," Cassian murmured, trying not to cry. Azriel could barely speak, the blob in his throat only thickening.

 So Rhys answered instead, "I am proud of the man you have become. I know you will be an incredible mate, and even one day, an outstanding father. You deserve this happiness."

  Rhys clutched Cassian's arm, a sign of complete devotion and brotherhood.

 "I think you are ready," Azriel finally spoke. "The girls should be arriving soon."

  Cassian looked at each of his brothers one more time. "Well, I guess I am ready for my mate."


  The girls arrived late, they muttered their apologies, claiming that Nyx was unable to remain still in order to dress. Azriel had to admit, the little Illyrian looked dashingly handsome in his miniature suit. 

  Mor carried him gently to their seats, his tiny feet were kicking with excitement.  

  The sisters helped Nesta with her gown, and Azriel knew right away, that Cassian would not be able to keep his emotions in check when he witnessed Nesta in all her glory.

  The sisters, hugged each other, one last time.

  Then Feyre and Rhys linked arms, and began their walk down the aisle as High Lord and Lady.

  Leaving Elain, Azriel, and Nesta in the back entry room. Elain was captivating in her pink gown that stuck to her like a second skin. 

  They had not spoken since solstice. Not since she rejected his gift..

  She stood in front of him, fidgeting with her fingers, unable to look him in the eye. Azriel held out his arm, giving her a reassuring smile. They could deal with this tension another time.

  She raised her chin, nodded to her sister, and linked her slim arm around his.

  And then they were walking down the aisle.

  Towards the orchestra.

  Towards Gwyn.

  She stood at the centre, glowing in her gown, awaiting her queue. He suddenly forgot about everything and everyone.

   Azriel knew instantly the moment that Elain caught a view of the necklace. He could feel  her fingers grasp onto his arm, could feel them cutting into his skin, into his blood. Azriel sensed how betrayed she felt... how disappointed in him she was.

  He suddenly was full of too many emotions, too many thoughts, too many shadows.

  And then Gwyn began to sing.

  And he almost fell down to his knees. 

  Azriel had never witnessed such beauty.

  He wanted to bow to her feet and repent on every single sin he had committed. 

  Because even the Gods, would be envious of such a voice.  

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