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  Gwyn had one hand placed on the door knob, ready to the enter the room where Tamlin waited for her.

  She had told Azriel that she needed to do this alone..

  But, when she turned to give him one last look, Gwyn's heart warmed from his expression.

  Azriel lifted his head and gave her a shy smile, his shadows began to swarm her in reassurance.

 "I want you to come with me," she held out her hand.

  He took her hand gently, "Are you sure, sweetheart?"

 "I want you by my side, always."

  Azriel neared her and placed a kiss on her for head. "I will always be by your side, honey."

  They both entered the room, hand in hand, and decided to sit themselves across from Tamlin.

  Tamlin was nervous beyond belief as he adjusted himself.

 "Thank you for finally meeting with me, Gwyneth."

  Gwyn nodded, "I think it is time we have this conversation."

  Tamlin gave her a gentle smile, "You do not know how much I appreciate that you have given me your time today."

 "And...I understand if you decide to leave at any time..." he bowed his head.

  Gwyn paused for a moment before she parted her lips, "I think I would like to first know when you knew about my heritage."

  Tamlin took in a shaky breath, rubbing his muzzle from the nerves.

 "I have had these small visions in my dreams for the last three decades.."

  Gwyn stopped breathing.

 "They started as just two pair of teal eyes.." he gazed up at her.

 "Over the year, the teal eyes transformed into more features...two noses, two mouths, two little pointed ears," he murmured.

 "I saw those two identical faces in my dreams for years.."

 "But, then they started to mature, to become beautiful and mature."

 "Until the two little faces transformed into two strong woman," he paused.

 "During the fifty year curse, I saw the dreams. I think the curse may have made them stronger...."

 "But then..." Tamlin whispered.

 "After the war..." he bowed, and Gwyn could see one tear glistening on his fur.

 "There was only one face left."

 "I had lost everything...my love, my court, my life...and then the two faces that I always held onto had also disappeared," he gasped.

 "I went mad from it...I needed to know who the two little girls were and why there was only one left."

 "So, I went to the damn forest...and entrapped that suriel for answers. I had begged them!"

 "They laughed and told me...one of my daughters had be slain brutally while the other had been.." he cried.

 "Had been raped and had barely lived through it."

  Gwyn gripped onto Azriel's hand until it had reddened, her own tears were running down her cheek.

 "Then this curse started because I had been so selfish...so selfish to know who you were."

 "And when you arrived to my court...." he gazed at their joined hands.

 "When you arrived and I saw that you were dealing with such demons...from what they had done to you...I," he gasped.

 "I had never felt that kind of guilt and hatred...knowing that I was your father and could have shielded you from that evil."

 "I cannot sleep at night knowing that I may have protected you and..." he sobbed, "and your sister."

 "And when I felt your bond with the Shadowsinger, I knew that he would be the man that I could never be. I knew that I could never let him die...I could not let my daughters mate die."

 "I walked through that forest with my sight because I had faced it all already. I was so motivated for you to live a happy life with your mate."

"But I wanted to know you...I wanted your sunrises...I wanted to share oranges with you."

  Gwyn gasped a cry, pulling Azriel close to her.

 "I wanted to be your father," he looked up at her.

 "And I will forever be thankful for those moments with you in the sun...when you spoke to me like I was worthy..."

 "I have done horrible things...and I know I will never be forgiven...but I bless the cauldron for even giving me that time with you."

  Gwyn sniffed and rubbed her nose as she tried to format her words.

 "Tamlin.." she started.

 "I want you to know that a part of me always yearned for a father..."

 "Apart of me wished you the best even before I knew you...before I thought you did not even want me."

 "Not having a father...it made me strong," she looked down at her legs.

 "But I wanted one nonetheless..."

 "And I imagined you so many times in my head...how you would be...how much I would hate you when I met you..." she cried out.

 "But, you must know...that I do not hate you...not one bit."

 "I want you to know that I healed beside you...along those orange tree's in the sun," she turned to Azriel.

 "I want to thank you for bringing me to Spring...it will forever be in my heart. Because no other place on the planet has ever felt like home."

 "I want to thank you for bringing me to spring where I got to know Azriel," she squeezed Azriel's hand.

 "Catrin would have thanked you," Gwyn whispered.

  Tamlin's head snapped up at those words alone.

 "Catrin would have loved the spring.." Gwyn bowed her head and cried.

 "She would have sat with us and ate oranges until she was sick..." she could not breathe.

 "She would have loved the sun..."

 "She would have loved you.." she whimpered.

 "And you would have loved her.."

  Tamlin had his own tears running down his face.

  He could not speak at all.

 "She was so much like you...so strong...so wise.." Gwyn leaned her head into Azriel's neck because it was all too much.

  They all just cried for a moment.

 "And I wish you could have met her.."

 "I wish that to.." Tamlin whispered.

 "I wish to know you,Tamlin," Gwyn parted from Azriel.

"I wish to know my father.."

  Tamlin gasped out, still unable to speak.

 "But first.." Gwyn started.

 "Would you like to hear more about Catrin?" she asked.

  Tamlin smiled gently, "I would love nothing more than to hear about my daughter."

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now