A Nightmare.

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  Warning: This scene contains violence and mentions of suicide.

  Azriel could not stand one more minute knowing that the nightmare suriel's still remained alive.

  He wanted to rip every single one of them to shreds until they were specks of dust on the forest floor.

  He could not live with himself knowing that any minute they could come in and attack his-

  Azriel shook his head at the dreaded thought.

  He began to arm himself to the teeth, which was a greatly needed distraction from thinking of what Gwyn had said to him.

  "You think I like being the only one who cant bear to where them."

 "You think I like living in a place where I am the most tainted."

  Azriel's hands shook as he tied his leathers around his waist, placing his weapons in their designated positions.

  He wanted to obliterate any being that had ever made her feel such unworthiness.

  Azriel did not want to think about that night in Sangravah and how it would forever torment that beautiful woman. 

  His fist moved without accord and smashed against the mirror on the wall.

  He had been too late.

  If he had just been there five minutes before...

  He shattered the entire mirror just by the thought of it.

  His shadows were pondering around in their own rage. Gwyn's reveal had made them unsteady and that only made Azriel more frustrated.

  Azriel placed his last dagger on his body and began his descent down towards the forest.

  He had been trained years ago how to face his fears and he knew if he went alone, he had a good chance at killing them.

  Now he was prepared.

  The court was silent as he made his way across towards the dark forest, his siphons glowing with power.

  Azriel's wings were flared, ready for death and destruction.

  He had transformed into the being that people feared. 

  He was now a savage, ruthless, new entity as he stormed towards his fears. 

  Azriel's hands held onto his weapon, a snarl painted on his face as he neared the dark part of the forest.

  His pacing did not waiver, he was only liberated with the idea of saving Gwyn again. 

  Because for her...he would march straight into his nightmares.

  He finally halted, breathlessly, precisely in the spot where the suriel's were most likely waiting for him. 

 "I have faced my fears time and time again. Come out," he growled in the clearing.


  He took a step forward, his body on full alert.

 "Show yourself!" he yelled out.

  More silence.

  He was ready for what was to come...a mirage of his tortured past.

  Azriel was waiting for the same scene to play out in front of him just like last time.

  He was ready to witness how his hands had become scarred and disfigured. 

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