Not Today

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  Azriel was nervous as he waited for Gwyn in the foyer.

  After practice, they had both decided to go to the Court of Nightmares, where Lucien was residing with Tamlin.

  His heart fluttered when she volunteered to go with him. Azriel had never felt such unconditional support and it would take time to get used to it. 

  He watched with a careful eye as she made her way down the staircase. She had pinned her hair in a low bun, gracing Azriel in a regal style. Even in all black clothing, Gwyn shined in every angle. 

  Her hands were busy fixing her weapons, unable to notice Azriel staring. Gwyn finally lifted her head and gave him a wide smile when she sensed his stance.

 "Are you nervous, Shadowsinger?"

 "I am not really good with confrontations," Azriel assured.

  Gwyn closed the space between them and began to fix his shirt, his collar.

 "I will be with you every step of the way...always."

  Now it was Azriel who was smiling.

 "You look very handsome today, Azriel," she ironed out the wrinkles on his chest.

  And his heart fluttered again like a little boy.

  She gazed up at Azriel, no doubt feeling the happiness radiating off of him, and lifted her lips to his cheek.

  He held his breath, trying to absorb every detail of her touch. Then his fingers reached down to clasp her warm, waiting, hand.


  Gwyn nodded and they widdowed to Hewn City in an instant.

  Tamlin and Lucien were already waiting for them just as they appeared.

  They silently arranged themselves on the couches in the living area. Gwyn and Azriel were sitting accross from Lucien and Tamlin.

  No one spoke for a minute.

  Azriel's knee began to shake from the nerves, but then he felt Gwyn place a calming palm on his thigh.

  He instantly relaxed in her touch.

 "How have you been, Gwyneth?" Tamlin started.

 "Tamlin, I am sorry to do this but, could we speak to Lucien in private," Azriel interrupted.

  Gwyn had told Azriel that she was not ready to confront was too soon for that because she was still adjusting to the idea of having a father.

 "Of course," Tamlin bowed with a sad frown and trotted away.

  Now, it was Gwyn's hand that was shaking. Azriel adjusted his wing so it could touch her... reassure her.

 "There is a lot to be said, Lucien," Azriel started.

 "But, I want to start again with an apology..."

  Lucien just scrunched his lips and kept his eyes lowered...the look of a completely defeated male.

 "And you deserve to know the whole story.."

  They all waited.

 "It started after the situation with the Cauldron, when Elain was turned. She was sent to live in Night Court and we were meant to watch over her. She was struggling with many new demons and we built a friendship off that torment. She helped me get through the dark times after the war because of how at peace she always seemed. She was this new entity that I could not wrap my mind around, but I never touched her because I knew she was mated," Azriel took a pause.

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now