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  Azriel held her.

  He watched Gwyn gaze at their reflection as if she had formed some...epiphany.

  Gwyn was smiling softly, nuzzling into his chest.

  He just held her.

  Azriel knew that whatever was spiralling through her head should not be rushed.

  Gwyn was parting her lips, almost speaking the words out loud.

  But, she did not need to speak them...because he knew...he felt it.

  So, he just held her.

  And then Gwyn gave one final nod at the mirror before turning to him. 

  Her movements were slowed, unhurried. 

  She traced her hands up to his chest, directly over his roaring heart.

  Then she lifted her eyes up to him, "We are going to make it, Azriel."

  Azriel smiled so wide as he pulled her as close as possible. Gwyn only wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his heart.

 "We are going to make it, Shadowsinger," Gwyn repeated as she squeezed him.

  Azriel laid his chin on her hair, while his hands massaged her bare back.

 "We are going to make it, baby," Azriel repeated the phrase.

  He did not know how much time had passed, he now counted time by the sounds of her breaths.

  Gywn was still trembling from whatever Epiphany she had reached. So, Azriel quickly bent to pull up her dress before removing his suit jacket. He wrapped it around her shoulders just as they left the bathroom.

  Azriel began to head for the exit, but Gwyn paused.

 "I want to see the end...with you," she tilted her head towards the amphitheatre.

  Azriel could only nod at his mate as they traced back towards the show. The couple snuck back in undetected and cozied up in the plush seats.

  Gwyn shook off her shoes and curled her legs underneath her. Then she leaned her entire body into Azriel.

  They snuggled throughout the rest of the dance....but Azriel barely focused on anything. 

  He was too busy running his hands through her hair.

  He was too busy watching his beautiful mate.

  And when the show ended and the guests all stood to leave...the couple remained snuggling. His wings showered over them in a comforting heat.

  There was something so wondrous about the silence and blown out candles.

  Maybe it was her words and how she gazed at him.

 Maybe it was the feeling that things would always be okay.

  But the silence right now, was the most beautiful sound.

  Because in that silence, Azriel heard it all...

  When the couple finally retreated from their spot and headed towards the end of the amphitheatre, one of the workers stopped him abruptly.

 "Sir, we were waiting to meet you at the exit...we wanted to thank you for your large donation. With that thanks, we would like to offer you and your partner a trip to one of our estates where our grand Gala will takes place," she handed them the tickets.

  Azriel was not sure what to say, so he turned to Gwyn.

  She smiled to the lady and accepted the tickets, "Thank you for the offer...we will definitely think about it."

  They began to pace to the main exit, but Gwyn paused in step again. She turned to the worker once more, "I want to thank you for this night...it was all very beautiful."

  The worked beamed and expressed her deepest gratitude.

 "And I want to say thank you for raising awareness for victims," Gwyn's voice shook.

  The worker moved towards Gwyn, nodding her head in understanding and compassion. Then the woman placed a hand on her shoulder.

 "Survivors helping survivors."

  Gwyn let out a breath and repeated, "Survivors helping survivors." 

  Gwyn then queried what else she could do to support the cause. The worker was more than happy to hand her some brochures that detailed meetings and fundraisers.

  When that was all done, the worker excused herself so that she could help clean up the show. 

  Azriel placed his arm over Gwyn's shoulder as they headed to the main part of the ballroom. Everything was cleared out now, there was no display box left in sight.

  However, there was one single violin player finishing up a song.

  He knew that song.

  Azriel did not know why, but he started humming the tune as they walked through the hall.

  Gwyn turned to him with admiration.

 "You know I love to hear your voice.." she smiled up at him.

 "Oh?" he teased and pulled her to his chest.

  Then he took one of her hands and placed it at his hip, he gripped her other hand in his palm.

  He began to sway her through the tune, holding her waist with his free hand.

  They were dancing in the empty ballroom.

  The violin player seemed to enjoy the idea of it all and continued his song. 

  Gwyn was shining from it all.

  Especially when Azriel bent to her ear and sang just for Gwyn.

  She gripped his hand as he twirled her gently in the rhythm meant just for them.

  And when she was pulled back to his chest, he began to rub their noses.

 "Gwyn," he started.

 "I have lived a very long, painful, and gruesome life..." he whispered.

  Gwyn stared at him with worriment, lines of sadness crossed over her face.

 "But.." he trailed and twirled them again.

 "I would go through it all again...countless times...just so I could be in this moment with you right now."

  He lowered his face to hers, kissing Gwyn gently.

 "The wait was worth it, sweetheart."

  Gwyn had tears in her eyes as she parted her lips, "Azriel...you are everything I dreamed you would be."

  All he could do was cup her head and place her into his chest.

  His shadows were awake and alert, dancing around them in a joyous symphony. 

  His wings wrapped around them as they twirled in the emptiness. 

  They just swayed after that.

  Even after the violinist left. 

  Even in the silence.

  And in that silence... Azriel had his own Epiphany.

  He was so in love.

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now