More Secrets and More Lies

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  Azriel observed the moment that Gwyn finally understood the connection.

  He could feel her shock...her despair...her guilt.

  Azriel watched as she analyzed every face in the room, pausing to see Rhysand's reaction to Lucien and Helion.

  She was outraged.

  Azriel felt horrible once again, from all the secrets and lies. 

  He wanted to tell the Fireling the truth for some time, but the Inner Circle advised against it.

  War was coming... And Lucien was the rightful heir to Day.

  Gwyn could barely look at them anymore...could barely look at Azriel.

  She sat quiet for the rest of the evening, only smiling when Nyx was brought to her. Gwyn held onto the child with such grace and respect.

  His breath caught when she began to cradle him in her arms.

  Her head was turned as she spoke to Feyre about something.

  Azriel was done with the lies.

  He was done keeping his mate in the shadows.

  When they were all finally dismissed, Cassian pulled Azriel to another room.

 "Your mate?" Cassian shook his head.

 "Yes, my mate."

 "And you were not going to tell me? I told you about Nesta right when I knew."

 "It is complicated."

 "No, what is complicated is that I felt so unsure about bringing her to our bedroom. I was so unsure with the nature of your relationship.." he paused.

 "I was really hoping you weren't pursing her into one of your kink relationships.."

 Azriel's head snapped at that, "How could you even think that?"

 "I do not know what to think!" Cassian held out his hands. "You do not tell me anything anymore."

 "She wanted to keep this a secret."

  Cassian took a breath and turned away, "I care about Gwyn a lot, Azriel...I was at the beginning when she first started her training and could barely stand to be around people..."

 "I hope you are being careful with her," Cassian added.

 "Cassian, this is no way near one of my," he lowered his voice, "my kink relationships."

 "Well, how was I supposed to know that? You have never been in a longterm partnership...ever."

 "I am trying.." Azriel added.

 "I hope you are...and I hope you open up to her because she deserves that."

 "The lies and secrets are going to end."

 "And have you shared your full past?" Cassian put a hand on his hip.

 "No, we have not gotten there yet."

 "Has she...accepted it?"

  Azriel lowered his head in shame, "No."

  Cassian wore a look of understanding, "Things will take time...but I know they will work out for you two."

 "Now you know why I was open to watching...because it comforted my mate."

  Cassian put a hand on Azriel's shoulder, "That door is still the future."

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now