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  After the night that the couple slow danced in silence, Gwyn could feel a change in her Shadowsinger.

  The next morning, Azriel had woken up early and flew to a shop in town. 

  He arrived back to the townhouse, arms full of every flower.

 "You said Catrin used to bring you flowers," he placed them on the counter where Gwyn was seated. Gwyn had a spoonful of oatmeal halfway to her mouth, but was left staring at the arrangements in bewilderment. 

 "I think I want to be the one to do that for you now," he stood in front of her seated form. Then he used his single finger to raise her chin and clash his lips to hers.

  Gwyn's heart fluttered every time she stared at those flowers.

  But, Azriel only continued to pile them around each room. There was no surface left untouched, and soon the entirety of house began to really feel like a ... home.

  It was no longer a place of dustfull memories of the love story between Feyre and Rhysand. Azriel and Gwyn were slowly placing their own mark on those same walls.

  And Gwyn never wanted it to end.

  She visualized how Catrin would have been around the wild she would have agreed with Azriel's selections .

  Gwyn just wanted to bask in their bed, unworried about the battles ahead.

  But, Rhysand had found a potential option for the upcoming sacrifice. The High Lord stated that Azriel had to go hunt down the person and bring them back to the Night Court.

  Gwyn sat on the bed as she watched him prepare for the journey. She had never been in the position where she was worried sick about a mission...

  Because now, Gwyn needed him beside her every minute.

  Azriel bent to tighten his straps and weapons, placing each dagger so precisely in their designated spots.

  Gwyn swallowed her words as she continued to observe his movements.

  Azriel could not speak either, his own throat was bobbing as he averted his eyes. The couple were both trying to hold back, because they knew they could not handle a goodbye.

  Even if the goodbye was for a few days.

 "Az.." she started.

 "I'll be back before you know it, sweetheart."

  Her mouth had gone dry as she tried to form any sound.

 "Az.." she breathed.

  Azriel just paced towards her open legs, he cupped the back of her head and kissed her forehead.

 "I have gone through much worse. No goodbyes, baby." 

  Gwyn watched him leave...his body moved as if he was truly holding back. She heard his steps at the stairs and then listened to the door open.

  Gwyn was on her feet, moving aimlessly through the house...until she reached the porch.

  Without even second guessing, she ran to him just as he turned to her. They clashed in a passionate hug, his hands gripping her to him like his life depended on it.

  Gwyn gasped as she tried to catch her breath."Be careful, Azriel," she gazed up at him.

 "You have to be careful now, Az...for me," she continued.

  He ran a hand down the side of her head, "I have never had someone wait for me during a mission.."

  Azriel connected their foreheads, " I have never needed to be careful...until now."

  "Then let me say goodbye...because even a few days is too much for me," she whispered.

  Their lips met in a sudden urgency, grasping any bit of each other.

 "Gwyn if I start saying goodbye....I wont be able to stop."

 "Then don't stop," she nuzzled into him.

  His hands moved all along her, touching every surface.

 "I can't, baby...I will never be able to say goodbye to you."

  Gwyn let him go after that...there were just so many emotions arising through her.

  And the next day, Gwyn felt hollow without her Shadowsinger in their bed. Later at practice, Nesta could sense Gwyn's inner battles and invited her to go dress shopping for Starfall.

  Gwyn agreed quickly, she would go crazy in that house alone without her Shadowsinger.

   So, Gwyn, Nesta, Feyre, Elain, and baby Nyx, headed for the stores.

  Gwyn had not spoken a word to Elain since she slapped her. But, Gwyn did not like having any tension with a person, and debated on when she would apologize.

  Woman should be supporting each other, and not tear them down.

  So, the girls had a long conversation awaiting, but not now.

  They both acted civilly enough for the remainder of the afternoon, and even laughed along as Feyre placed Nyx in an atrocious suite.

 "He is being so fussy with the suites," Feyre giggled as she struggled to remove the shirt. The baby just clapped his chubby palms together, happy to have the garment taken off him.

 "Aren't you spoiled?" Feyre tapped him teasingly.

 "It is Rhys's fault...he spoils him like crazy."

  Gwyn smiled from that comment, to think that the most powerful High Lord was so smitten with his little family.

  Her heart swelled at the thought of what her Shadowsinger would be like as a father. 

  But then she remembered their conversation from that day in the kitchen, and how he implied that he did not see that in his future.

  Gwyn had to shake her head at that memory so that she could enjoy the girls. 

  Nesta pulled out a dress for Gwyn and they all gasped from how perfect it was.

 "This is made for you," Nesta held it out.

  Gwyn beamed at it all...from the happiness that surrounded them that afternoon.

  But, she was most excited because he would be coming back home tomorrow. Gwyn slept with his pillow at her chest. 

  The next morning, she was ready and alert.

  Gwyn ran to wash and prepare in the bathroom, applying some cosmetics so that she could look beautiful for him.

  Azriel would be meeting with everyone after training, so Gwyn had to just get through one more practice. 

  The time ticked so slow...

  So damn slow...

  And when he finally arrived...he was covered in blood.

  Azriel stormed straight to Rhysand without giving Gwyn a second glance.

  He started whispering in the High Lords ear.

  The words sounded harsh...rasped.

  Rhysand nodded finally and went to stand in front of the group. 

  The High Lord parted his lips, "I have an announcement about the sacrifice.."

  They all waited.

 "We have a problem."

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now