The Gala

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  Gwyn gripped Azriel's hand as they made their way to the entrance.

  There were torches lining the entire way, heating the chilly night for all the guests. 

  Azriel had glamoured his wings and had darkened Gwyn's hair colour. The couple did not want to accidentally be recognized by their features. 

  Gwyn had to admit that Azriel looked like a god in his fine trimmed black suite and matching silk mask. She just wanted to screw the whole thing and take him back home.

  But, Gwyn could feel his excitement embarking through his entire body. She could feel his heat as he watched her in the lace gown.

  Her Shadowsinger had caved the moment she walked from the closet, showcasing her entire dress. It was fully made of black lace, and therefore, exposed most of her skin. Her breasts were almost on full display except for the tiny bits of lace on her nipples. The thin straps barely held everything tug and it would be ripped.

  Azriel just sat on the edge of the bed and parted his lips, "You are so pretty."

  The second that Gwyn bent over to paint her red lipstick, Azriel was on his feet preparing for the event.

  Now, he was swaying their arms as they walked along the red carpet. They had most definitely taken a few shots of whiskey before heading to the event.

  It was all so fun...

  Drinking and laughing with him as they both prepared for a mysterious night out. Gwyn kept to his side as she tried to absorb all the happiness.

 "Okay, baby. If it is horrible then we will just laugh about it after," he rubbed his nose into her hair.

 "Exactly, we can just leave.."

  Azriel then bent to lift her knuckles to his lips, his eyes shining through the mask.

  The couple headed for the main entrance, where guests were meant to purchase tickets. 

  All funds were donated to a foundation to help support and shelter sexually assaulted women.

  Azriel wrote a massive cheque that definitely raised brows. Gwyn only wrapped one arm around his waist and laid her head in his shoulder.

  Her heart wanted to burst from it all.

  Thank you, Azriel.

 Do not even mention it...I want to do as much as I can.

  Gwyn stood on her toes as she kissed him passionately infront of everyone. He just cupped the back of her low bun, guided them in their embrace.

  I am the luckiest girl on the planet.

  Azriel only shook his head with a shy smile and traced his hand to hold hers once again. 

  They made their way through the entrance, where they were introduced to a banquet hall.

  Curtains of black and red silk were draped around the ballroom. The chandeliers shined in red flames, cascading an erotic atmosphere. There was an air of sophistication and desire swarming around each guest.

  The creators of such a Gala definitely did not spare any expense.

  The couple continued their walk on the red carpet just as waiters offered them trays of exotic liquor.

  Nothing was out of the ordinary as of yet...until they reached the heavy red silk drapes. Two servants went to open the material for them.

  And then...they saw it all.

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