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  Azriel paused mid-conversation with Cassian when he watched Gwyn approach the dinner table.

  Her face transformed stone white and her mouth had thinned, but there was some intensity in her eyes.

  Azriel instantly sat up straight, suddenly very interested in what conversation took place in the far room.

  Nesta was beside her with a blush on her neck...

  The tension was there, strong and thick.

  Gwyn was in front of him soon, her hands trembling for some unknown reason.

 "I think we need to go now...we have practice early tomorrow.." Gwyn started and Azriel was on his feet.

  Cassian gave him a look of understanding as he walked them out.

  Gwyn and Nesta were silent beside him and he was desperate to know what had happened.

  Azriel lifted his mate in his arms, and just before they took flight, he witnessed Nesta give Gwyn a strange nod.

  When they reached the townhouse, Gwyn was moving to the liquor cabinet, filling herself a drink.

  She had been worked up by something.

  He watched as she took a long gulp and paced in front of the fireplace. 

  Curiosity got the best of him as he as sat on the couch across her, spreading his arms out along the couch ends.

  He leaned back and relaxed his wings out.

  Azriel also enjoyed watching her riled up...face flushed...

  Gwyn finished her drink and went for a refill, making Azriel lift a brow.

 "Are you going to tell me what happened? Or am I going to be sitting here all night?"

  Gwyn chuckled sarcastically, "It is stupid..."

 "I'm listening..."

  Gwyn paused, placing her arm on the mantel, trying to catch her breath.

 "Nesta guessed there was something between us..."


 "And...I told her I am still having problems with sex."

 "Oh," Azriel did not know what to say. 

  Did not know what to think....

 "And she suggested something.." Gwyn breathed out.

 "I told her I would think about it.." she continued.

 "What did she suggest?"

  Gwyn drained her glass and clanked it on the mantel.

 "That you and them.."

  Azriel sat up straight, his elbows hitting his knees, his mouth drying.

  At first, he felt an evil jealousy in his chest...

  Then he felt, a gnawing dismay.

  He barked out in laughter from it all...and Gwyn just watched him with wide eyes.

 "Baby...just say no. It is not a big deal."

  She leaned her back against the mantel, crossing her arms across her chest.

 "And if I want to watch?" Gwyn raised a brow.

  Azriel slithered off his seat, making his way to her and placing a hand beside her.

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now