A Moment Like This, Could Start A War.

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  Gwyn had run out of the reception hall like a simple fool. Her heart was racing so wickedly that she believed it to burst.

  The crowds of people could not see her like that.

  They could not see that she was moments away from crumbling, that is, until the Shadowsinger stepped onto the stage.

  His voice was even more beautiful than she could have imagined. Her own ears seemed to deceive her as she replayed the memory.

  Even in her dreams, he did not sound like that.

  For a man, so incomparably dangerous and savage-like, Gwyn was shocked that he could sound...so at peace.

  She knew, until the very end of her life, no other voice could even come close to Azriel's.

  She paced through the maze found in the garden outside of the reception. She did not know how long she had been shivering in the cold. She did not seem care.

  How could she ever confront him ever again? After she had wanted to sob at his feet for saving her in front of the crowd... for saving her years ago.

  Gwyn's fingers stabbed into her palms as she kept on pacing in the same track. Shivers cascaded along her skin as she kept on remembering his face.

  Those thoughts about the Shadowsinger were a dangerous game. He clearly only pitied her and risked embarrassing himself because of that.

  But then her ears captured a new sound from her spot in the maze.

  Gwyn heard Elain Archeron state obnoxiously, "You gave the librarian my necklace."

  Gwyn's heart went straight to her throat and she had to hold her shaking hands to her mouth.

  The necklace was for the most beautiful Archeron sister? Well, of course it. 

  Gwyn had been stupid to even think for a moment, that someone would buy something like that for her.

  Gwyn tried to slow her breaths, so that they could not hear her in the garden. 

  But their conversation became heated and Gwyn no longer wanted to be there to witness it.

  Confusion swarmed her senses as she heard Elain confess her feelings to Azriel. This was the same woman who had a mate in Autumn court.

  Gwyn knew instantly that she should not be there to hear that..

  Because a moment like that...could start a war. 

  Then she heard their moans... and smelt Elain's desire's.

  Gwyn was running out of the maze as fast as she could. There was only one way out of the garden... which was situated near the couple. 

  Gwyn had hoped that they did not hear her sneak back into the reception hall.

  But the Shadowsinger had pulled away from his lover...

  And their eyes caught just as Gwyn was trying to sneak away.

  Gwyn swallowed and quickly lowered her eyes. Red patches of embarrassment  cascaded on her skin as the couple now stared back at her.

  But it was not shame in their eyes...it was fear.

  Gwyn quickly turned and continued her race back to the reception hall. 

  But the Shadowsinger was already on his feet, leaving his mistress, and chasing Gwyn.

  Azriel gently grasped her elbow, "Gwyn, that was not what-"

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now