Are We Going?

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  Azriel placed the flyer in the middle of the counter.

  Gwyn only leaned over and filled a glass of wine as she watched Azriel.

  He was just distracting himself in the kitchen, unable to meet her eyes.

  So, Gwyn just pushed herself on the marble, thumming her fingers on the surface.

  The only thing heard were her nails clanking on the counter and Azriel fumbling with something. 

  The sun was setting, causing the windows in the room to  once again settle in an orange hue.

 "Are we going to talk about it, Az?" she sipped.

  Azriel showed her his back as he prepared something. "What do you want to talk about?"

 "The Gala."

 "What about it?"

  He was playing stupid with her.

 "Are we going?"

  Azriel held out two plates and set one in front of Gwyn, then he placed his own across from her.

  But, Gwyn was not eating, she just twirled her glass.

 "I do not think it is a good idea," Azriel said.

 "Why not?" Gwyn tilted her head.

 "Because I do not know what kind of displays there will be...if they are rough...if they are fully nude," he gulped his own drink.

  Gwyn pointed to the flyer, "It says that there are designated labeled rooms for certain activities.."

 "I do not know about this, Gwyn."

  Gwyn paused for a moment as she observed his reaction, "What are the pros and cons?"

  When Azriel did not say anything, Gwyn parted her lips, "Fine, I will go first."

 "Pros, I really want to go."

  Azriel lifted his head and licked his lips.

 "Pros, I think we will have a wonderful time without anyone knowing who we are," Gwyn whispered.

  Azriel's eyes heated at that.

 "Pros, I want to watch...and I know you like how I am when I watch," she now licked her lips.

  She was so very right about that, Azriel had become obsessed with how she liked to watch.

 "But, your opinion is important to me and we do not have to go if you are uncomfortable," Gwyn added.

  Azriel pushed away his plate and leaned his elbows on the counter just like Gwyn.

 "Cons, we do not know how rough they will be."

  Gwyn just took a sip.

 "Cons, we have never been to an event like this and I cannot be certain how you will react."

 "And the last one?" Gwyn slithered.

 "The last that there will most likely be nude males for you to see."

  Azriel tried not to feel that burning envy...he tried not to let it suffocate him.

  But, he was damn territorial. 

  He did not know what kind of males would be there.

  Azriel did not know if Gywn would find them handsome or desirable.

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now