Control It

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  Azriel saw red.

  His hands had instinctively reached for his sword, but the male in front of him was unarmed.

  Reason screamed at him in the last moments where his sanity was present.

 "Baby, can you hold this for a second," he handed his weapon to his mate.

  Then he charged with his fists.

  That asshole, Kevag, needed to be taught a damn lesson.

  A lesson that he would never forget.

  So, Azriel pushed him outside, kicking him down into the ground.

  But, Kevag was quick on his feet, with both of his fists out.

  Azriel pummelled him until blood sprayed in every direction.

  However, Kevag put up a good fight...Azriel had to admit.

 "You've shared your women before, Spymaster," Kevag chuckled as blood dripped from his nose.

  Azriel grabbed both his shoulders and kneed him in the stomach, leaving Kevag gasping for air.

 "I'll hand her back to you in twenty minutes," Kevag smiled through his bruised face.

  Azriel completely unleashed himself...he beat the male bloody against the wall.

 "Az," Gwyn warned as she watched Kevag black out.

 "Gwyn...stay back.." her growled.

  Kevag was reaching for the Shadowsinger's wings, trying to rip them apart.

  She paused with the sword in her hands, "Fine...bruise is face good, baby."

  Azriel smirked sinfully as his rage peaked the surface.

  The fight had become wild.

  His mate was smart enough to not step in between the males, but Gwyn had decided to run back inside in order to bring Cassian.

  Cassian was stomping like a mad-man towards the fight...and he put himself between the males.

  That motion may have put a regular male in a healing bed for weeks...but Cassian was fighting through the hits.

  Cassian finally pulled Azriel and held him away, not before kicking Kevag down towards the wall. 

  Kegag was heaving, ready for another round.

  But both Cassian and Azriel snarled back at him.

  Kevag bounced on his feet and began to sprint back to them...but Gwyn stood in front him.

  And Kevag threw her to the ground like she weighed nothing.

  Azriel lost it.

  He began to claw at Cassian...screaming in a hateful rage.

  Azriel was going to skin Kevag alive.

  But, Gwyn was on her feet in an instant and performed a move on Kevag that left him panting on his knees.

  In the fits of madness, Azriel felt such pride...because he had taught her that move.

  Gwyn lowered herself to face the male, then she lifted the sword to his throat.

 "You asked who I was?" she tilted her head.

 "I am the Valkyrie that won the blood rite..." she slithered and dug the steel deeper. 

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now