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 "Don't you dare drop me, Shadowsinger," Gwyn smiled up into his hazel eyes.

  He shook his head, chuckling softly. "I would always catch you."

  Then he reached her hands and led them outside. They began the ascent up to a mysterious path, their destination was unknown to Gwyn.

 "We are going to start jumping off mountains just yet," he walked on ahead until he was standing in the middle of a clearing.

  And then he expanded his wings, the layers glistening under the moonlight.

  He held out a hand, "Come, Sweetheart."

  Gwyn could not deny that she was nervous...her entire body was trembling from it all.

  She was frozen in her spot...the thought of being out of control..

 "Gwyn," Azriel's brows furrowed as he closed the space between them. Then he bent to cup her cheeks in his fingers.

 "I will never allow anything bad to happen..." he moved his fingers until they were at the back of her head, massaging her hair.

 "Will you give me control tonight?"

  Gwyn swallowed at the request.

 "Yes. I give you full control.."

 "And do you trust me?

 "I trust you completely, Azriel."

  Then his hands were moving down her body, "May I?"

  Gwyn nodded and he bent to gently lift her into his arms. Her head nestled in his chest, while her hands cradled his neck.

  His massive wings began to flutter and release. 

  Then in an instant, they were off the ground, ascending up to the sky. 

  Gwyn did not dare look down...not yet. 

  So, she just watched Azriel and how he was concentrating on the perfect flight.

  Then they were going, higher, higher, higher.

 "You are going to miss the beauty if you do not look down."

 "I am definitely not missing any of the beauty," Gwyn whispered as she gazed at him.

  She witnessed red patches cascade along his cheeks and neck, making her heart flutter from it all.

 "Gwyn, trust me tonight...and look down," he gripped under her knees and small of her back.

  She did not know if it was from the pure intensity of his words, or the way he held her, but Gwyn finally turned her head...

  And gasped.

  She had never known...

  How beautiful the night sky truly was.

  Gwyn breathed out in utter shock, her mouth parting in silent words.

  Velaris glistened under a fort of shining stars and diamonds. 

  It felt like an otherworldly dream land from this high up.

  Azriel buried his nose in her hair as she witnessed the true magic of flight.

  They stayed like that for a few minutes...just enjoying the view and feel of each others arms.

 "Ready for the real fun?" his lips grazed her ear.

 "Yes," she could barely breathe from it all.

The beginning of Gwyn and AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now