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I write my name on a wall so that I won't forget it and go towards the platform again. I pick up some stuff and try to organise it. I put a pile of kitchen utilities and wood together and labeled it 'kitchen'. I did the same with the hammocks and named that 'homestead'. I organised more of the equipment there and name them things like: treehouse, fire- pit, washing room, gardens, med-jacks and blood house. Today I decided to work on the kitchen because I needed food to survive. I made a basic hut but tried to add stuff by connecting random wires and hoping they make things work. I added in an oven and sink. I also attempted making a cabinet but that didn't really work so I had to make a new one. I was shocked on how much I had managed to do in only a few hours. I didn't even notice the doors opened in the morning when I was organising everything. I added food into the cabinet and made myself some soup. It was disgusting but it was the best I could have done. 

I also found an old watch lying around so I put it on. The maze doors then closed around the same time that I saw them close yesterday so I made note of what time it was. I go to the hammock and try to get a good night sleep but it is again extremely hard because of all the walls changing and the Grievers. I must have fallen asleep because by the time I woke up it was 9:34. The maze doors must have opened when I was sleeping because I did not hear or see them opening this morning. I decided to work on the homestead today - which was where I was sleeping - even though it was only me there. I added a shelter over the top and made a bedside table. By the time I had finished it was only 12:09 so I made lunch and decided to make something else. I was getting pretty good at the building and all now. I saw some gardening tools and started to work on making the gardens so that I could have other meals instead of soup everyday. I marked out some squares and planted some seeds. I also added some fences around them for aesthetic purposes. 

The walls then closed. Exactly at the same time before - 5:45. It is probably a routine. I clean up the kitchen and water the plants seeds. I make a fire and sit down. I was proud of what I had accomplished but wished I wasn't alone. I guess this is my home now. I name it The Glade.  

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