Little shank

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That night I could't stop thinking about what Minho said.I did like Newt but did he like me? We finished making the hut and Minho annoyingly made a cupboard for the condoms and name them y/ns secret stash. Minho kept on going on and on about my crush on Newt when he wasn't there and the minute Newt would come back in and talk to me he would giggle. I make a bed for the dog and we decide to name it Patch. Minho is the only one who really looks after it but I play with it once in a while. I think it's a boy but I'm not sure. The only things we got from the platform that Minho asked for were the dog, condoms, more fabric (to make our own pillows), wood to make a hut, a wheelbarrow, ingredients (don't know what for) and more plant seeds. We go to the homestead and all go into our hammocks. I start to get worried because the Grievers weren't making any noises. Minho noticed too. I signal for him to follow me and we stand by the closed walls.

"Why aren't they making any noises?" He asked,

"I have no idea; but we should probably stay up just to make sure none come in"

"Alright then" He replies. "Let me go get something" He comes back with all the fabric and stuffing "Let's just make some pillows and we can talk about what you are going to do with the shank Newt"

I sigh "Nothing is ever going to happen Minho, it just won't"

"Yes he will y/n. Who wouldn't love you?" He answers. I hug him and say,

"How am I going to tell Newt I like him?"I ask,

"Just be straight up about it" He says,

"Yes Minho great idea - tomorrow I will say, Newt I have fallen in love with you and it is tearing me apart" I say sarcastically.

"You're in love with me" Someone with a British accent says. I turn around, of course it is Newt.

"Fuck" I mumble. Minho is trying to hold in laughter. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" I repeat. 

"Y/n what's going on" Newts asks,

"Um nothing" I say innocently,

"Mhm nothing really, you just said you were bloody in love with me"

"Did I?" I say 

"I think you did y/n" Minho chips in,

"You little shank" I say. "It's all good Newt, nothing to worry about here" 

"I think there is" Minho says,

"Oh my god Minho. Will you just shut your fucking mouth" I say,

"Nope" he replies. I clap my hands together and say

"Moving on, the Grievers are making no noises" I say trying to change the subject.

"Moving on y/n - I'm not moving on until you tell me what's going on here" Newt says,

"Nor am I" Minho exclaims,

"Minho are you finding this entertaining?" I ask

"Not yet" He replies. He runs off to the kitchen and we hear lots of clanging sounds.

"Y/n.." Newt tries to say

"Newt you weren't supposed to hear that. Can we just go on like normal please?" Newt is about to talk but Minho runs back with Patch and some popcorn. "Where did you get popcorn from?" I ask

"I made it!" He sits down cross legged on the ground with Patch and looks up at us "Resume" He says.


"That's my cue to leave" He says. He goes off but leaves the dog there and says "Patch keep tell me what happens later ok?" The dog barks "Good boy" Minho says after. It all goes silent and it's just me and Newt.

"Y/n, I like you too" Newt whispers.

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