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He can' be gone. No he can't be. I won't let him be. The amount of thoughts in my head were painful and I just wanted to open my eyes but it was too hard. I hear Minho and Newt crying and shouting  at me to get and then I hear Gally. Screaming for George to come back. I can't block the noises out of my head, then I feel something cold go over my face. I immediately get up. Minho had just thrown a bucket of water all over me. Newt grabs me for a hug and I just stare at the body. George's half body. Gally runs up to us. 


"It's not her fault Gally" Minho says "George offered do it"

"no Minho it is my fault" I say trembling. "I'm the leader here, I should have known not to do something so stupid"

"wait y/n none of this happened because of you" Newt says,

"YES IT DID. IT'S ALL Y/Ns FAULT" screams Gally. I start crying and run. I don't know where to go. I can't go to the homestead because they will find me there so I thought I could go to the tree house me and Minho built. I climb up the tree and snuggle up by the pillows. I see paper and a pen so I decided I would write a letter - apologising to George. I lay on the floor of the house and start to write. 

Dear George,

I don't know what to say to you. It's all my fault. I can't believe I have lost you. I should have never sent you down there, I was stupid. I remember pulling that rope up hoping you would be still here but you weren't, it broke me George. I can't do this, knowing that it was my fault I have to do something to remember you. When you first came up in the box we all had a bet to see what you where like. All the boys thought you were going to be either and scared girl or a tough one but I thought it was going to be a boy. A boy that would always put himself before others and that's what you did George, you were willing to help us all even if it meant risking your life. I keep on apologising but there is nothing else I can do. 

I'm so sorry George,


I hear someone climbing up the tree and it is Newt. "Minho said you would be here"

"How in hell did you climb that Newt - you have a broken leg."

"Uh" He replies. I look down and see Minho running off. I laugh.

"How's Gally?" I ask.

"Not good, he isn't talking to anyone and keeps just randomly kicking things" Newt replies. "y/n it's not your fault"

"CAN YOU TWO STOP SAYING THAT. IT IS MY FAULT. I'M THE LEADER, I LET HIM GO DOWN THERE" I shout whilst bursting into tears. Newt pulls me into a hug and I put my head into the crook of his neck. 

"It's going to be ok y/n, it's all going to be alright"

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