The Box

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Time skip 3 weeks.....

George and Gally seem to be extremely close now. George wrote his name on the wall right next to Gally's and he seems to agree with everything Gally says. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy Gally has a friend, it's just annoying that they always had to agree so when Gally makes a statement on my leadership or something, George would nod is his in agreement. George decided he would be a builder with Gally (what a shock) but it was disappointing because me and Minho needed another runner. 

Today we wake up and Gally calls everyone in for a gathering. He says,

"We have been stuck here nearly 5 months and we still haven't found a way out. Minho and y/n have been looking in the maze and they are clearly getting no where-"

"HEY" Minho shouts "we look as hard as we can everyday Gally" 

"Well there must be another way?" Gally exclaims "We could climb the walls just like Newt did and run but not jump off like he did"

"GALLY" I shout "you do not talk about that incident like tha.."

"Y/n it's fine" Newt says "yes Gally I did climb it but I nearly fell off. I only climbed a quarter of the wall and then jumped off - if I had climbed any further I would be dead ok"

"Oh" Gally mumbles.

"Wait a second" George starts to say "if we all came up from the box it must go back down somewhere"

"George where are you going with this" Minho says

"Hold on Minho let me finish. If it comes up it must go down there has to be a bottom - we could just climb down there"

"Can't we just keep someone in the box and wait for it to go down instead" Gally asks,

"No, the box doesn't go down with someone in it" I say "George does have a point though - we could climb down but we don't know how deep it goes"

"We could throw a rock and wait for it to hit the floor?" Newt says,

"Good idea" I reply. We all go towards the box and Minho grabs a stone. He throws it down the hole and we all wait in silence for it to hit. It never does.

"Try again Minho" Gally says,

"If you say so" Minho answers. He again throws a rock (bigger this time) and we all huddle round the box waiting again to hear if it drops. Again it doesn't.

"UUGHHH" Shouts Gally. 

"We could always send someone down and see if they get to the bottom - then we could just pull them back up when they do" Minho says

"And what type of slint head.." Gally starts to say

"Slint head?" I ask

"Yh me and George made it up when we were building"

Minho says "Great, we have a whole Glader language now. Slint head, greenie, shank." He stops talking and then resumes by saying "ok that's only a few words but it will soon be a language"

"Mhm" I say.

"Anyway moving on. Who would do that?" No one talks and then Gally says "See no on.."

"I would do it" George says.

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