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Me and Minho went to bed and I could not stop thinking about what we will be doing tomorrow. We are going outside the walls. Outside the trap. Minho opens his eyes up slowly and said "y/n, do you have any weapons?" I did have weapons but I never used them. Only for emergencies. 

"Uh yeah. Made a hut for them. Made some spears and knives incase I came across a Griever"

"Ok that's good" he says wearily. He falls back asleep. I put an alarm on my watch to get up at 7:00 so I can prepare. There was no way I was getting up at 6:00, I was so tired. I fall asleep then I hear Minho falling out of his hammock. 

"Shit, sorry y/n"

"Don't worry it's fine. It's nearly morning anyways." I say. I get out of my hammock and walk towards the kitchen. I make some breakfast. I go to the platform and see some strange things there. There are more syringes with a serum in it and some bags and trainers. It's like someone knows we are going out the walls today and they have given us everything we need. I make some sandwiches and fill up 2 water bottles. I fill up 2 bags and put my trainers on. I see Minho by the med-jacks looking through the cupboards. 

"Y/n what is all of this blue stuff" he asks

"I don't know" I reply dryly. He leaves the med-jacks and comes towards me. 

"Where are the weapons?" 

"I will show you later, I just need to make something then we can go. We need to be prepared for anything" I say. I see some leather and make a sachet out of it. "Minho come here, I need to measure you" He comes. I give him the sachet and he puts it on.

"What is this for?" he asks.

"For our weapons you shank" I bring him towards the weapon room and show him everything.

"Geez y/n, there are so many."

"Take your pick" I say. He picks a spear and a knife. He put the spear behind his back and the knife in his sachet. I take a knife and a bow and arrow. Plus some rope and scissors. Just incase. The sky is sunny and clear and the walls have been open for an hour.  "If we leave now,  I can get us back in time for lunch. I have a watch and will only go out for an hour. No further. Even if you are curious" I tell him.

"Ok then but bring bread crumbs and a pen and paper so we can make a map and leave a trail for us to follow" He says.

"Ok that's a good idea I reply" I stop for a minute and think. I was terrified but I least I had Minho. "lets go" I finally say. I grab the back packs and extra supplies and we walk into the gap in the walls.

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