Death wish

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We all fall asleep pretty easy and we wake up quite late. I make breakfast and check on everything to make sure that everything is as it should be.  Newt comes up to me and asks,

"Y/n what are we doing today"

"Well me and Minho are going into the maze but I'm sure Gally can help you pick a job"

"Did I hear my name?" Gally says,

"Yes. Can you show Newt the jobs, you don't have to do all of them today - just work him hard all right" I say

"Yep will do" Gally replies,

"Good luck in the maze y/n" Newt says,

"Haha thanks" I answer. I meet Minho at the North door and we get ready to run. "How long should we go out today Minho?"

"Umm 4 hours, just so we get back in time before Gally kills the greenie" he says

"Good idea" We run through the walls when we hit an area. It was just a plain concrete floor with the walls surrounding it. Minho is about to step on it and I notice something, I shout "MINHO STOP. DON'T MOVE"

"Why?" he answers. I throw a rock onto the floor and the whole thing starts to move around, holes formed and spikes come up. 

"Come on let's go back" I say

"Wait a minute" Minho answers


"Look there" He says. I obey his command at look at the thing it was pointing at. It must have been a griever. It looked like a robot. It had spikes running up its back and a long tail like a scorpion. 

"SHIT" I shout, 

"RUUNN" Minho screams. We run as fast as we can back to the Glade doors and wait there for a moment to see if the creature was following us. 

"Minho aren't grievers supposed to come out at night?"

"Maybe the trap was a trigger or something" He says. Gally runs up to us and says

"What the hell happened you two?"

"Well Minho nearly fell into a trap - literally, and we saw a griever"

"WHAT" Gally shouts

"Shush, I don't want to scare Newt. Don't tell him, he is already pretty scared of the maze already." I say. Minho is just staring at the North door.

"Y/n we saw a griever, A FUCKING GRIEVER" 

"Yes Minho I know"

"Then why aren't you panicking" He asks

"Because there is nothing to be scared about, they are just guards. Plus we have a cure for it don't we"

"Are you sure that is what the syringes are for" he says

"yes". Gally is looking as white as a ghost,

"What did it look like?" he asks

"I didn't really see but kind of like a robot/animal thing" 

"And are you sure it didn't follow you back" 

"Yessss Gally, I'm sure" At this point Newt had ran up to us. "how was training with Gally"

"Bloody brilliant" He says

"Good good"

"Apart from the fact when he made me cut a pig's head off"

"Gallllyyy" Me and Minho say

"Oh it's fine, he was going to have to do someday, might as well have been with me" Gally says.

"Come y/n we need to go to the map room" Minho says.

"Coming" I reply. We walk over to the map room and sit in silence until Minho says

"y/n if there was one griever out there today, how many could there be tomorrow, or the next day." 

"I don't know but we definitely have a death wish" I say. He hugs me and I hug him back. His hair gel smells so strong.

"Minho have much gel do you put in your hair"

"The right amount?"

"Which is?" I ask

"A table spoon"

"No Minho it's not. It's supposed to be a teaspoon"

"whoops" he says smiling.

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