Why Don't We Look?

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Minho could hardly sleep after he had discovered his name. It wasn't because he was happy and curious it was because the Grievers were making so much noise. He kept on jumping and waking up and screaming which was entertaining for a while but then I was like 'can you shut the fuck up.' I made him wake up early to see the walls open and close but he wasn't bothered too. I got up anyway and started doing jobs. I water the plants like I do everyday and I prepared breakfast. I told him to write his name on the wall next to mine and he did. He didn't ask many questions, he just accepted the fact that we are stuck. I showed him all the jobs and he hated all of them. I told him I hate them too but you need to do them to keep you alive. 

I was digging up some weeds when he said "y/n, why don't you go past the walls?" 

I didn't answer at first but then I said "I'm to scared too"

"Why" asked Minho

"Well Minho is because I don't want to get stuck outside the bloody walls with the Griever's all night"

"I'll go. Don't be such a baby" He said.

I started to get angry. "Minho you have no idea what I went through. 1 month in this shit hole all by myself building and doing endless work everyday to survive, wondering if this will be my life for ever. Having to stop myself from giving up every single bloody day. And you shank have no idea what it is like here. No fucking clue. You haven't  even been here 24 hours and your acting like it's easy. And that's what it is to be in the Glade - not even outside the walls"

"Jesus y/n calm down" he says calmly. "Let's just go out there for an experiment"

"NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN" I start to shout. "Have you not heard the Grievers. I'm terrified you shank. I don't want to risk my life for A BLOODY EXPERIMENT. AND YOUR NOT EVEN SCARED"

"What the fuck does shank mean" he exclaims.

"Rude word. An asshole - just like you are" I leave. I walk to homestead and start crying. Then I hear footsteps and wipe my tears away.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I was wrong to think it was that easy. I am scared, terrified in fact but I just want to see what it is like out there. You know this place from the back of your head. You know how the walls work. You have a watch. We can stay out there for an hour tomorrow and then come back. You say the Grievers only come out at night so  you don't need to worry about them; plus you have me and I have a bigger brain than you think" Minho explains.

"Ok" I say 

"What really?!" He says shocked. 

"Sure why not - but only for an hour I don't want to get lost or hu..." he cuts me off.

"You won't. I swear."

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