Running Solo

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We wake up and Minho, Nick and I get ready to show Sam the maze. We give him a piece of paper and bread crumbs to help him find his way back. We run through the Glade doors and we tell him that they open at 6:00 and close at 5:45. He is a pretty good runner and could probably do the job well. He seems to like the running part of it and is fast.

3 day time skip...

Sam has come in the maze with us multiple times now and we made it official that he is a runner. We decided to pair up so we could cover more and still be protected by the other. I go off with Minho and Sam goes off with Nick. Me and Minho run around but don't find anything interesting. We all come back to the Glade but same and Nick aren't back yet.

"Minho they should be here" I say

"I know, let's look for them - we have an hour until the doors close" He replies. We run back in and find them pretty quickly. Something had happened to Nick.

"What happened" I ask Sam,

"He tripped over a crack in the floor, he hurt his leg" Sam explains, "Now help me carry him back"

"Why am I the only one who ever gets hurt" Nick says laughing.

"I don't know but you are not going to be able to go in the maze for a while"

"What a shame" He says sarcastically. I make dinner and we all sit by the pit as always. Life here has become a routine. It's become so repetitive. The only thing keeping me entertained is Newt and Minho. Newt calls me over and we go to the hut,

"I haven't seen much of you recently y/n" He says,

"Well that's because I spend 6 hours in the maze 5 days a week." I say,

"I want us to go on a date. A proper one, with no Minho - as much as I love him - or any of the other Gladers" Newt exclaims.

"I would love that" I say smiling. I rest my head on his lap and I fall asleep. I wake up and see Newt is still sleeping. I quietly get up and get ready to go into the maze. I go to the homestead and wake up Minho and Sam. We all get ready and go through the North door. 

"Y/n can I go off on my own?" Maybe we could all split up" Sam says

"Last time we did that Nick got stung" I say,

"Yes but he's cured now right" He answers,

"Plus you and Minho will be fine, it's only me you have to worry about and I am fine with it. Wouldn't it be so much easier if we all go solo"

"What do you think Minho?" I ask

"I think he has got a point. If anything happens to anyone it's there own fault okay" Minho replies

"Okay!" Me and Sam both say enthusiastically. 

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