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Fry makes the runners breakfast early so we can spend more time in the maze. We the go through the North doors and split up into our groups. I stick with Minho and we explore.

"Do you think anything strange will happen today y/n?" Minho asks,

"Hopefully not but we can't be sure" I reply. We carry on running and I notice something hidden in the wall. "Minho look at this" He comes over and stares at it.

"What is it?" 

"I don't know" I answer. There was a small, faint outline in the wall - it also looked carved. I push it slightly and it moves. I push it harder again and it opened. 

"What the" Minho exclaims. Behind the door there was an open space. It had nothing in it but it was a good hiding spot. I am about to climb in it and then I hear screams. Nick, Leo and Ben are running towards us signalling at us to run. I quickly close the door and start running. I look behind me and see Minho slightly ahead of the other runners and then a Griever chasing them close behind. Leo was limping whilst running and gasping for breath. Minho notices too and slows down to try and help him. We are nearly at the Glade doors and I can't see the Griever anymore, we run through and get our breath back. Newt runs up to us and says,

"What happened"

"Griever. Chase. Us" Minho replies panting. I see Leo crouch down and lay on the floor, he lifts his shirt up and everyone sees that he has been stung. 

"Leo when did this happen" I ask,

"A while ago in the maze. I saw it and it stung me and then we all started running" He answers. 

"Minho, Dave went savage pretty quickly. What if that happens to Leo" I whisper,

"Well let's just get him the serum" Minho replies. We take him to Clint and Jeff in the med-jacks and put him on the bed. Jeff gets the serum ready; I look at Leo and see that his iris had gone black. 

"Clint look at this" I say. Clint comes over and Leo starts panting. His veins pop out, just like Nick and Dave's did. "I think he's in the changing" I say "Jeff hurry up" Jeff is about to inject him but Leo rapidly gets up and starts running and chasing people, again like Dave. I scream at Gally to help me catch him and Minho to get the spears ready. Leo runs towards Zart but he hits him with a shovel leaving him to fall to the ground. "Well done Zart" I say.

"What should we do with him" Newt asks,

"I think we should put him in the slammer and then decide later tonight" I reply "I don't want to kill him"

"Don't worry we won't" Minho exclaims 

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