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We wake up and see that Leo isn't anywhere to be found in the maze. We assume he's dead. Me, Minho, Nick and Ben all get ready to go into the maze.

"Y/n are you sure you want to go out there" Newt asks,

"What do you mean?" I reply,

"I mean do you think it's bloody sensible to go out into a maze where you know Grievers will sting you" He explains,

"Well yes because someone needs to go out there and find a way out"

"Minho can do do that"

"Are you saying that I am not capable to go out there. Are you telling me that I am to weak to run around a fucking maze" I say raising my voice,

"No, you know I don't mean that. I just think that you are in charge of this place and if you get hurt we will all be ruined" Newt exclaims,

"I'll be fine" I sprint off into the maze and the runners follow me. Newt is left standing with Gally staring at the gap where we had just run.

"Well Minho there's your argument" I say,

"Sorry y/n" Minho states,

"What for?" I ask,

"For Newt having to be a shank today" He replies,

"Don't worry about it" I say. Me and Minho run around the maze but I think he has forgotten about the hole in wall that we saw a couple days ago. We meet Nick and Ben back at the North doors and nothing has happened so we go into the Glade. I see Newt in the Glade and try an avoid him so I go straight Fry in the kitchen.

"How was running?" He asks,

"Good thanks Fry" I reply. "Need any help?"

"Sure, can you make a bread type of thing" I start making the dough and I remember when me and Newt had made the same dough after he had got his limp. My eyes start watering and Frypan notices and gives me a hug. "It's gonna be okay y/n" He says assuringly.

"Love you Fry" I answer

"Love you too boss" Frypan makes everyone so happy and is such a great asset to the Glade. Without him we would probably be very depressed, Frypan always lightens up the mood. I carry on making the dough and Fry makes I think burgers but I'm not sure. I go to find Minho who is in the map room. He is marking everything we found today in the maze. I am about to talk but then the doors open and Frypan and Newt come in.

"Sorry y/n - I couldn't let both of you be upset" Fry says,

"Bye guys" Minho shouts and him and Frypan leave.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I should have never talked to you like that. I was bloody stupid but I just wanted you to be safe, I don't know what I would do if I lost you" Newts says. I smile slightly.

"You have to accept Newt that I know everything about this place, more than anyone and I am the only one who is even slightly mature. I'm not going to do anything stupid and take any risks. Plus I'm with Minho and he will keep me safe"

"I know but I get worried every time you go out there and I wonder if you are going to come back"

"Well then you are going to have to try and turn that thinking off." I say. I leave the map room and go up the treehouse because it is physically impossible for Newt to get up there. I sit down and rest my eyes.

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