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After Minho's realisation that he putting in way too much hair gel we go to bed. Newt seems quite sad but I decide to leave him alone for a bit. I fall asleep extremely quickly and hear Minho's snoring. I put the pillow over my ears and try to block it out. I wake up and go to the gardens to plant some more seeds. Newt comes over and asks,

"Y/n, can I come in with you into the maze today?"

"Ok but are you sure you want to?"

"Yes" He replies. I go to Minho's hammock and wake him up.

"Minho, Newt wants to come into the maze with us"

"WHAT" He shouts.

"Come on Minho, we are here and I'm sure there will be no grievers"

"How do you know?" He says

"I don't, I'm just hoping" Me, Minho and Newt all go in the maze and start running. Nothing is really different to normal and we haven't come across any grievers. Newt still looks really really upset so I gesture to Minho who looks at him then shrugs. I shake my head at him with disappointment. We come back through the passage and Minho shouts


"Minho you are a bloody idiot" I say

"Shit" says Gally.

"Fuck" mumbles Minho. Newt looks at us confused

"This time?" He says

"Yeah, yesterday me and Minho saw a griever, it didn't do anything but we didn't tell you because we didn't want to scare you. We are really sorry."

"No you're  sorry, the other 2 shanks couldn't care less" He says and then walks off

"MINHO YOU IDIOT" shouts Gally.

"Sorry" he mumbles "But he was going to find out eventually"

"Eventually. Really Minho? Can you not see, the boy is depressed and you are going to scare the life out of him. I was going to tell him once I cheered him up you shank" I say

"Y/n I'm really sorry" Minho exclaims

"it's fine but next time think before you speak" I say then I hug him because he looks embarrassed.  We all sit by the fire and me and Minho start singing and dancing but Newt and Gally just sit there in silence. We have a good dinner and laugh but Newt still seems extremely sad. I try to ignore him and let him be but it's hard. We all go to the homestead and fall asleep. I see Newt cuddling the blanket I made him and Gally humming the song me and Minho were singing. Minho obviously heard because he start giggling, then Gally shut up. The grievers were noisy tonight but the maze didn't move much. I start to get extremely hot and my head starts sweating for some reason. By this time it is 6:30 and the doors are open. I notice that Newt is not in his hammock. I wake Minho up and say

"Minho, do you know where Newt is?"

"No clue, he probably went to the bathroom or something" he says

"Well can you help me look for him?"

"NOOO" He says and he pulls this blanket over his head. I sigh and go look for Newt. I check everywhere in the Glade and he isn't there. I start panicking. I run back to the homestead and shout at Minho

"He's not here Minho. Do you think he went into the maze?" I start tearing up now "He could've gone into the maze at night Minho. He could of died"

"It's ok y/n lets go into the maze and look for him" He says. Minho hugs me and says to Gally "Gally keep on looking for Newt in the Glade and get the med-jacks ready for anything"

"Ok, it's going to be alright y/n" Gally assures me. I nod. Me and Minho get our maps for day 7 so we can look at all the possible places he could be if he left in the morning. Every turn I go I hope and pray that he is there. 

"MINHO WHERE IS HE" I shout whilst bursting into tears. 

"We will find him - I promise you y/n" We have been looking around for a while and I see something slowly move in the distance. I call for Minho and run towards it. And that's when I saw. Newt. Behind him are some vines, he had tried to climb up the wall, but some way or another he fell off. He was bleeding and crying and I couldn't stand seeing him in pain. Minho is behind me now and has obviously worked out what happened because he looked like he was about to break down. 

"Newt it's going to be ok" I say. He doesn't answer. Just looks at me with tears dripping off his face. I hug him and whisper "I'm here now. Newtie, you have nothing to worry about" He still stays silent and so does Minho. They are probably both in shock. "Can you stand up?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Minho I'm going to need you to help me carry him back to the Glade" I say. 

"Ok he says" his voice shaking. I try to hold back tears but Newt's face looked like he had given up. Like he had lost all hope. I think about how this could've happened and that's when I thought. Maybe he had done this to himself. Minho sees the look of pain in my face and puts Newt done by a wall. He walks me over to a corner and says,

"Y/n you need to stay strong for him, we can find out what happened when we get him back to the Glade"

"Ok" I mumble. We grab Newt again and bring him down the passageway where Gally is waiting. He sees us carrying a body and immediately runs towards us. He takes Newt from my arms and I walk slowly behind them. 

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