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"What really?!" I ask

"From the moment I first met you" He answers.

"Whoop whoop" Minho shouts from the homestead. I put my middle finger up at him from behind me. And then he kisses me, only for a few seconds but it was the happiest moment of my time in the Glade. I run back to the homestead and hug Minho and whisper 

"Thank you" He smiles. Gally, Alby and Nick all wake up and Alby says 

"What's all the noise?"

"Newt and y/n just just declared their love for each other" Minho exclaims

"Haha congrats you two" Nick says. We all go to the fire pit and have breakfast. Minho, Nick and I then go off to go running.

"Why don't we split up today, cover more maze?" Nick asks,

"You sure?" Minho replies.

"Yeah why not" He says smiling. We all split up and decide we will meet back by the doors in 3 hours. I run around drawing the lines on my paper and then hear a noise. It sounded like a Griever. I run back towards the maze doors and call for Minho, he comes nearly straight away.

"Minho there are Grievers out there" I say "I heard them"

"Fuck ok" He replies. "Let's go get Nick" I write on a piece of paper saying go back to the Glade and wait for us there just in case he goes there before we find him. Me and Minho look around the maze and that's when I saw it. A Griever; right in front of us.

"Minho be quiet," I say. I look at the Griever, I can see it a lot more clearly now. It had eight robotic legs and some slimey liquid drooling out of its mouth. It had a bug shaped head and a scorpion tail. 

"Y/n there's Nick" Minho whispers,

"OMG why is he going towards the Griever"

"NICK" We both shout. But it is too late, Nick had already been spotted by the Griever. Nick runs but the Griever is so much faster than he is. He trips over and falls to the ground. The Griever stabs him in the leg and he screams. Then the Griever leaves. Me and Minho run to Nick and look at his leg. A dark purple liquid was coming out.

"Minho we need to get him back to the medjacks and inject him with the serum" I say.

"Ok but hurry up" We lift him up an carry him back to the Glade. Newt and Gally run up to us and say 

"What happened?"

"He was stung" I replied. We put him on the bed in med-jacks and I go through the cupboards to try and find the serum. I find it and I inject it into him. He immediately stops groaning and falls asleep.

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