The Deadheads

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Minho climbs into the treehouse and joins me and Newt's hug. He says,

"Gally built something, he says to come"

"Ok" I say quietly. I get down but Newt is stuck up there because of his leg. I get a piece of wide wood and we pull him down with him on the wood. We go towards Gally and see that he had definitely been crying for a while. His face was bright red and his eyes were puffy. He leads us into the woods past the blood house. I look at the empty space and see a single grave with the words: stupid shank didn't deserve to die. It was George's grave. It also said his name and his job (builder) above it.

"I called this the deadheads. Someone else is probably going to die because of your leadership skills y/n" Gally says.

"Gally stop it's not her fault" Newt says,

"It is actually slinthead. She is the leader, she should have been less careless and stupid" Gally exclaims. Gally is about to open his mouth again but Minho punches him.

"If you ever talk about y/n like that again you won't have a face" Minho says,

"Minho you didn't have to do that" I say.

"I did y/n" He replies. We all go back to the main part of the Glade and we do our jobs. Well not we - Gally was just sitting by the box looking down.

"What sliced him?" He asks,

"I don't know, it was like an invisible force" I reply. He gets up and leaves. Newt limps over and asks

"What did he want?"

"Just curious on what killed George" I reply.

"Well at least we know now not to attempt to escape" He says,

"I guess" I say.

"Come on y/n, we have to move on. We have to be strong for all the other Gladers that come and set them an example" I don't answer him. Minho then runs up to us and tackles me to the ground,

"Come on y/n" He says "cheer up"

"Uughhhhh" I say. We walk to the fire and sit down. No one talks. Gally sits in silence and just stares at the night sky above us. Soon it would be loads of us doing the same things. And Newt was right, I need to look out for the other Gladers. In a weeks time we would get a new greenie and we would have to make sure they are safe. I can't lose anyone else.

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