Greenie number 5

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Minho makes everyone soup which was actually quite nice. Gally makes a fire and Newt comes up to me and Minho and Minho says

"Let's have a bet if we can guess the gender of the new greenie"

"That sounds fun" Newt says

"I'm in" I say

"Let's also guess personality. If someone gets it right they get to make the other Gladers do something' Minho says.

"Ok but Minho you are not going to get it right" I turn around and see that Gally was standing there. "I think it is going to be a girl and they are going to be extremely scared" He says.

"It's definitely going to be a girl and she is going to be tougher than y/n" Minho says

"Now we all know no one can be tougher than me" I say.

"I think its going to be a girl but she only talks to y/n and avoids all of us" Newt says.

"You guys are all wrong. There is no way a girl is going to come up in that box. I think its going to be a boy and he will put us shanks before himself" I say.

"Nah" Minho grunts. "It's definitely gonna be a girl" Gally and Newt agree.

"You guys are so pathetic, all copying one another" I say.

"WhAT NoOoO" Newt and Minho say. I walk to homestead and sit in my hammock. I try to drift off but Minho wakes me up. 

"Come on y/n" he says "you can't be sleeping when the new greenie arrives, we would not know how to deal with her.

"Minho A - you should never wake me up and B - it's going to be a boy not a girl" I say. 

"Just hurry up" he says

"Ugh fine" 

Time skip 5 mins before new greenie arrives....

Everyone sits down on the log and wait for the box to make noises. We suddenly hear a rumble and see that it is starting to go up. The noise as always is unbearable. Minho is praying under his breath that it is a girl and everyone laughs at him. The noise stops. 

"Right ready boys" I say 

"Yep" They reply. We lift up the box doors and see that it is another boy.

"Right guys, what should I make you do?"

"Shit" Minho shouts and then says to the boy "why couldn't  you have been a girl huh" The boy in the box looks confused.

"Minho you are going to scare him. Calm down" I say "Hi Greenie, this is the Glade." The greenie doesn't say a word. I offer him my hand "come on, do you wanna get out the box?" He takes my hand and I pull him up. He looks around for a moment.

"What are the walls?" He asks

"Well greenie the walls are actually a maze and we are in the middle of the maze"

"Why can't I remember anything?" He says

"Well the only thing we remember is our names which will come back to you in a few hours" Minho and Gally give him the tour of the Glade and me and Newt make dinner. The wall door start to shut. The greenie looks confused.

"Why are they closing" he asks.

"We don't know, they open at 6:00 and close at 5:45" Newt explains. I go back into the kitchen and bring out the food. We all sit in the fire and don't talk until the greenie says

"What are your names?" 

"Well mine is y/n, the guy who speaks in a British accent is Newt. The sarcastic shank is Minho and the guy who looks like he would like to be anywhere else than here is Gally." The greenie smiles. 

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