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"As I said with Nick and Minho before Nick got stung, come back here at 4:00. If you are not here we will go looking for you until 5:00. We will leave a note saying if we have. If you come back and you see the note and we are not there write a note saying, I'm fine and in the Glade" I explain,

"Ok got it y/n" Minho says. I run off and mark my steps in the maze. I look around as I always do and write down notes on what I see. I then stop to have my lunch and some water. I have two water bottles so I leave one where I had my lunch and marked that on the map so I know if I have gone the wrong way when I come back. I carry on running for a couple more hours then turn back. I check my watch and I have 1 hour until I'm supposed to be back at the doors. I find my water bottle and pick it up and carry on running. I reach the doors and I'm the first back. I don't like going on my own because it makes me worry if the other runners will make it back in time. I know it will help us cover more but it is really nerve racking. I check my watch and it is 3:59. Neither Nick or Minho are back yet. I start to panic. My watch hits 4:00 and I see a shadow coming around the corner. It's Minho. I let out a sigh of relief and run to hug him.

"Have you seen Sam?" I ask,

"No" Minho replies. My watch now says 4:03.

"Minho he should be back by now"

"Just give him 5 minutes, if he doesn't come we will leave a note and go look for him" Minho replies. We wait 5 minutes and he still isn't back yet. Minho starts to run and shouts to me "Hurry up shank" We look around but we can't find him.

"Minho where is he" I ask panicking. 

"I don't y/n but we have to turn back soon, the doors close in half an hour" Minho answers,

"What if he doesn't make it" I say. Minho doesn't answer. 20 more minutes go by and me and Minho are waiting by the doors. I write down a note saying that we are in the Glade in case he comes back and can't find us. I also say I'm sorry. We have 2 minutes until the doors close so me and Minho run down the passageway to the Glade and see Nick, Gally, Zart, Newt and Alby all waiting there for us. Newt looked extremely nervous so I run up to him and hug him. He kisses my forehead and asks

"Y/n where's Sam" I start crying quietly and whisper 

"He's not going to make it" 

The wall doors start to close and none of the other Gladers say a word. Me and Minho's eyes are glued to the gap between the doors but Sam doesn't come. Then the walls completely shut and Nick asks,

"Right, tell us what happened" I explain everything and they all start tearing up. The new Gladers hadn't seen anyone die yet so it was a shock for them. Gally walks off and Zart and Alby go to the homestead. 

"Do you think he will survive?" Nick asks,

"The Grievers will probably get him and if he gets stung we don't know how long he can last without the cure for it" Minho explains. I wipe my tears away and go to the wall where everyones names are. I cross out Sam's and say to the Gladers still with me 

"There is no point thinking that he will survive. The Grievers will have him. Nick hardly lasted with one around. Imagine anymore than that." I say.

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