And It's Normal Again

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"What do you mean?" Minho asks,

"I think he's upset again Minho" I reply,

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know" Minho leaves and I try to fall asleep again. I wake up before Newt and watch him sleep. He slowly wakes up,

"Y/n I'm so sorry for what I did I can't believe I lost you"

"What do you mean, I'm right here"


"Newt I'm not dead. I'm right here" 

"Y/n I think he's hallucinating" Frypan says,

"Maybe" I reply. 

"Let me make him so breakfast" Fry exclaims,

"Thanks Fry" I say. Newt is back asleep again and I stay where I am. Frypan brings us both breakfast and Newt wakes up.

"Y/n?" He says,

"Yep, I'm alive" He hugs me again like he did last night and rests his head on my shoulder. 

"I missed you" He states,

"Me too" He kisses my forehead and we walk over to the bonfire to eat breakfast with the rest of the Gladers. "Minho where's Patch the dog?"

"Uh oh" Nick says,

"Why uh oh" I ask

"Well when Gally was raging he um killed the dog" Minho says

"Wait wha.."

"May he rest in peace" Minho exclaims.

"NOO I loved Patch" I say sadly.

"As did everyone"Frypan replies,

"Apart from Gally" Nick chips in,

"What a shame" Gally says sarcastically.

"Y/n where did you hide" Alby asks,

"Um..." I start to say,

"It's a secret so if she wants to leave again she can just go there" Minho explains "Only me and Nick know and we don't have any intention to tell anyone"

"Y/n can tell whoever she wants to tell but it shouldn't be forced out of her" Nick exclaims,

"Thanks Nick" I reply. Everyone leaves to go do their jobs and it's only me, Nick, Minho, Newt and Gally left. Nobody says a word.

"So y/n are you going to tell us where you hid now" Gally says,

"GAALLLYYY" Nick replies,

"It's fine Nick as long as he doesn't tell anyone" I exclaim,

"I won't" Gally answers,

"Well in day 8 me and Minho found a hole in the wall. I climbed through at it was a room sort of space. I took things from the Glade - which Frypan noticed - and put them all there" I explain, "I might has well of told them because they have no idea where in the maze it is"

"Very true" Newt says. I smile. Minho and Nick take their day off today and I work in the gardens again with Newt. "Y/n do you forgive me?"

"Maybe" I say laughing,

"So do you?"

"Of course I do" I reply. 

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