Then Came Zart And Sam

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I start to make the greenie's blanket but I don't put effort in at all. Minho gives us our lunch and we talk.

"Do you think y/n that you will be the only ever girl here" Alby asks,

"I hope so" I say, "I don't want you boys falling for her and not me"

"Don't worry y/n, no one can ever replace you" Minho says

"Wow I'm so assured Minho" I answer. 

"No but seriously, you might be the only girl here" Minho says,

"How fun" I reply. We all get up and go towards the box and stare at it. We all go around it and wait. The noise starts and we all look at each other. The noise goes on for a while now but eventually it stops. We open the box and it is another boy. 

"Haha another boy" Minho says,

"Why do you always say something so stupid to the greenie instead of welcome to the Glade" I say,

"The Glade?" The greenie asks

"Yes the Glade. We are stuck in the middle of a maze and the middle is the Glade" Minho explains,

"Oh ok, why can't I remember anything" The greenie asks,

"You don't. Only your name which will come back to you in a few hours" Newt says

"Right time to give you the tour" I say. Gally pulls him out of the box and I give the greenie the tour. He likes the track-hoe stuff so I made him work there with Newt giving him instructions. We all go to bed and the greenie remembers his name. It was Zart. He wrote it on the wall and we all went back to sleep. In the morning me, Minho and Nick all go into the maze. We don't split up this time though, we need to be together if we see any grievers so we can fight it off as a team. We don't see anything so we come back and have dinner with the other Gladers. I sit next to Newt and cuddle him but then Minho comes and cuddles me too.

"You are going to have to share her Newt" He says.

Time skip 28 days...

Today marks 9 months here at the Glade. We will have 8 Gladers here now once the new greenie arrives. We have seen no Grievers at all and nothing serious has happened. Zart is keeper of the trackhoes as he is doing really well with all the gardening. Newt and Minho are second in command and Gally is still keeper of the builders. We again all prepare for the new greenie. At this point nobody is excited for a new person - only Nick who tries to stay positive. 

"Another boy today right y/n" Minho says

"Probably" I reply. We all sit down on the log and wait for the box to come up. The noise starts and we gather around. We open the box and there is a boy there. Minho starts to say

"See ano.."

I cut him off and say "SHUSH MINHO. Hey greenie, welcome to the Glade."

Nick gives him the tour and we all have dinner together. The greenie remembers his name and it is Sam. He was fascinated by us being runners so he asked if we could show him tomorrow.

"Why not," I reply.

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