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"George are you sure you want to do that?" Gally asks,

"Yes I am" He replies. "how are we going to do it?"

"Well we could use the ropes and make a harness type of thing. We could lower him down and he can report back to us on what he sees" Minho says.

"That's a good idea Minho" I say,

"I don't think it is a good idea" Gally says

"Nor do I but it might be our only chance of getting out"Newt answers. 

"We can try tomorrow - today everyone just get a good nights sleep" I say "we can prepare in the morning. Minho and I won't do any running, we will just focus on getting George down that box"

"we will?" Minho asks

"yes Minho, we will" I reply. We all fall asleep and wake up at 8:35. Gally makes everyone breakfast and me and Newt get the ropes and harness ready.

"Y/n are we sure about this?" Newt asks

"No, but George offered and we could get out of here" I say "it's worth a shot" Newt passes me the rope. "Newt this isn't going to be long enough"

"Are you sure? There is so much here" He says

"Yes but the hole might go down a long way and we need to be sure" I explain "just go get some more from the platform"

"Y/n this is all we got this week"

"What - no it can't be. We usually get enough to go around the whole area of the Glade"

"Well not this time" He says.

"Ok, it's going to be ok. We can just get the ivy from the walls" I say. I cut the ivy off the walls and attach it to the end of the rope.  We make lunch and Gally looks nervous. "Gally, he's going to be ok" I say,

"How do you know that, the rope might break" He says

"Gally I promise you it won't" I say. "Me and Newt made sure of it." 

"It's fine Gally, I'm going to be alright" George says. Gally still looks unsure. "come on then let's tie me up" Me and Minho put the harness to him and attach the rope to it. 

"Do you need a torch?" Newt asks,

"Yep" George replies "I want to see what it looks like down there" 

"Right you ready George?" Minho asks,

"I'm always ready" He says smiling. We lower him down the hole where the box would be and he shouts "BYE SHANKS!" We put him down slowly for a few minutes. I ask if there if anything is there but he doesn't reply.

"Guys, bring him back up. I can't watch this" Gally says.

"I'm sure he's fin..." I start to say. Then we hear a noise which sounded like a slice. "OH MY GOD GEORGE" I shout. "MINHO, NEWT HELP ME PULL HIM UP" Minho and Newt start to help me pull and Gally starts crying. We start to see him come up but i notice something strange. His head was tilting quite a lot. We pull him up and I see a body. Half a body. I fall to the ground. 

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