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We write down Gally's name on the wall and go have breakfast. I make pancakes because I had the right ingredients. Gally liked building stuff so me and Minho went into the maze and left him to do that. 

"y/n, what do you think of Gally?" Minho asks.

"I think we don't know enough about him to make any comments"

"ok, but he seems like a dick" he says

"stop Minho" I say

"ok boss" We run towards a wall and stop because Minho asks me something.

"y/n - if we get a new glader every month we would get 12 a year. If we are stuck here forever there would be so many people." 

"ok but what do you want me to do about it?"

"well we could set up the Glade with jobs and stations for people to work at, and there could be like keepers of each. Gally can build and we could be runners."

"runners?" I ask,

"yes. We could go around the maze every day and look for a way out"

"ok" I answer "But we would need a cook, people to work in med-jacks, a slicer - I am not cutting up any more animals and maybe gardeners?"

"so like track-hoes?" Minho asks.


"ok then, let's go back to Gally and we can tell him the plan." We run back to the Glade and Gally isn't there.

"GALLLYYYYY" Me and Minho scream. He doesn't reply. "should have know not to leave him here on his own"

"it's not your fault y/n"

"He could have gone into the maze Minho, he doesn't know when it closes"

"We will find him." He assures me

"ok" We look around the Glade and see that he has made a prison sort of thing. Has no light and is like a cage. "What the hell is this Minho" 

"looks like a cage" 

"GALLYY" I scream.

"y/n if he doesn't come back before the walls close it's his own fault"

2 hours later.....

"Y/n I found the shank" Minho shouts

"Thank god" I walk towards where Minho was and see Gally crying by the side of the woods.

"It's horrible, I felt trapped, I tried climbing up the Ivy. I fell" Gally says

"Next time come with us Gally. We know the maze and we can help you" I say

"You don't know what it is like out there. Being alone." Gally replies

"Yes I do"

"NO YOU DON'T" he screams

"Yes. I. Do." I answer. "Gally I was here on my own for a month. One whole month. With no one. You have been here 1 day. I know it's hard and a lot to take in but you need to trust us. We know everything about this place and we can help you. We can give you a job and you will never have to leave the maze again. You seem to like to build so you can be a builder ok"

"who made you in charge?"  I was about to answer but Minho cut in 

"y/n has has been here longer than any of us. She knows everything about it. She is  in charge because she is the only one who can lead this and handle idiots like you" Gally didn't respond. He just walked off.

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