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"What is this place" The greenie asks.

"This is the Glade" I explain "around us is a maze and we are trying to find a way out. Me and Minho have been looking for 2 months. The maze changes everyday for 8 days then goes back to the beginning"

"How long have you been here for?"

"Y/n was the first one here, they spent one month here on her own. Gally has been here 1 month and I have been here 2." Minho says. The greenie looks concerned. He tries to jump out of the box put fails miserably. 

"Give me your hand greenie" I say

"You sure?" he replies

"Yeahhhh" He grabs onto to my hand and I pull him out. 

"Wow. The walls are huge" He says.

"I know" I say. Gally goes off and carries on building something and me and Minho show the greenie around. The walls start too close. 

"Y/n does this happen often" the greenie asks.

"Yes, they open at 6:00 and close at 5:45."

"They are bloody noisy"

"They definitely are" I reply. I make dinner for everyone and the greenie seems to enjoy it.

"This is really good y/n" He says.


"Don't flatter yourself y/n" Minho says

"I think I am actually shank" I say. Minho and the greenie asks.

"Hey, what's wrong with Gally" 

"Well he seems to hate us but he does the work which is good" I say

"Work?" answers the greenie

"Oh yeah, there are jobs and you can pick what you want to do tomorrow" says Minho.

"Ok great" the greenie says. Minho goes to the gardens and the greenie is left with me. I'm about to get up when he says

"y/n why can't I remember anything?" He says

"don't worry none of us do. We only know our names." 

"ok. Am I stuck here?"

"yes but not for long I promise." His eyes start watering and I say "wait I made you something" I get the blanket I made and bring it back to him. 

"What's that?"

"This is your blanket. Me and Minho take turns in giving the new greenie a blanket, this month it was mine turn." I hand him the blanket.

"thanks" he says.

"no problem :)" We go towards the homestead and he picks the hammock opposite mine and next to Minho. I see him put the blanket on him and I smile. Gally sits in his hammock and Minho goes to his. Gally and Minho go to sleep and I see that the greenie still awake.

"Hey greenie, you okay?"

"What's that noise y/n"

"We call em Grievers, they only come out at night and are stuck behind the walls so you have nothing to worry about"

"y/n can you stay up with me?"

"Sure, lets go to the fire pit" We walk towards the fire and we sit down.

"NEWT" the greenie shouts "my names newt!"

"Glad you remembered, do you want to write it on the wall"

"Mhm" We walk towards the wall and he writes it down. I show him the river, and we sit by it.

"Y/n how did you cope. I mean one whole month here on your own"

"To be honest I didn't. Everyday was harder than the one before, I just learned to live with it"

Newt smiles, we get up and walk to the homestead. On the way back he trips and falls in the river.

"SHIT" He shouts. He gets out but is drenched.

"let me get one of Minho's shirts" I say whilst laughing. I come back and he is sitting on a rock. I give him the shirt. He takes his shirt off. I stare. He has abs for days and all of his features were perfect. I don't realise I long I was staring until Newt says,

"You like what you see y/n"

"Fuck sorry. The only body I've seen is Minho's when he tried to compare his abs to Gally's. It was not a good sight." I laugh.

"Don't worry" Newt says whilst grinning. We carry on walking back to homestead and Minho is there waiting for us.

"You guys were gone for a while" He says suspiciously. We laugh.

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