2 months later

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Alby has been here 2 months and we have got a new greenie called Nick. He is a runner too and gets along well with Alby. Nick is our best cook and he enjoys it which is good for me because it means that I don't have to cook everyday. The maze is the same and there have been no Grievers in the day. Gally hates everyone and does everything he can to avoid us. Newt and I have become extremely close. I think I've fallen in love with him.


"Wake up y/n and Newt - I have to show you something" Minho says,

"It better not be a bloody prank Minho" Newt says,

"It's not, why does everyone always assume that" Minho replies,

"Minho what is it" I ask. He takes us over to the platform and on there is things we don't really get.

"When it was about to go down, I requested some stuff, just for us three" Minho explains. "I thought it would be fun" On the stage is materials to make another hut. "I thought we could make a hangout place as everywhere we go Alby and Nick always follow. Newt can't get to our treehouse easily so I thought we could build a hut hidden away in the woods." Minho says,

"Great idea Minho" I say yawning, "what other things did you ask for?"

"I asked for a TV but they didn't give us that sadly. I also asked for more pillows, food that isn't stew, a dog,.."

"Minho they are not going to give us a bloody dog" Newt says,

"Then what's that" Minho says. I turn around and there is a dog standing there.

"Ok Minho, what are we going to do with a dog" I say

"I thought it would be fun" Minho answers

"yeah sure how fun" I say sarcastically.

"Moving on, I asked for lights, books, games, condoms, wheelbaro.."

"Condoms. MINHO WHAT THE FUCK" I shout,

"Whoops" Minho replies "Oh come on your bound to it with someone and we don't need any baby y/ns running around the place"

"NO MINHO, JUST NO" I scream. Newt and Minho are laughing extremely hard. "Do you find this amusing you two?" They stop laughing. "Thought so" Newt leaves and Minho says to me

"I see the way you look at Newt, I know you like him y/n." 

"You say that so awkwardly Minho. Yes fine I do have a tiny little crush on Newt but it is none of your business" I reply,

"Mhm" He answers. We walk back to Gally, Alby and Nick and eat the breakfast Nick made for us. Nick said that we should have two says off running a week because it's very tiring and quite useless. I agreed with him so in the end the final plan is that we could each have a two day break - we can pick when - and we have to go out at 7:30 and be back for 3:30. We all take our breaks on the same day at the moment and today was one of these days! Me, Minho and Newt make the hut because we had nothing else to do and we got pretty bored. 

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