Greenie number 4

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It has nearly been a month with Gally. He acts extremely tough but I know he is scared. We haven't come across any Grievers yet which is good because they would probably give me nightmares. Minho jokes with Gally but he doesn't take it very well - Gally just likes to work and do jobs but doesn't talk to either of us. We have been preparing for a new greenie to arrive by making the homestead look nicer and we have decided on permanent jobs for everyone. I was going to be in charge of the Glade and would be a runner with Minho. Minho would be keeper of the runners because he has more common sense than me so he can direct everyone around and help them on their first trip into the maze. Gally is keeper of the builders. He has made a sort of stage where we can all have meetings which was clever because we will probably need it. We haven't made much progress in the maze - Gally has only gone in once which was when he disappeared - only that there are 8 sections that change everyday which is what we already knew. I guess we just definitely confirmed it.

"Ready for the new greenie?" asks Minho,

"most ready that I will ever be"

"I hope they don't turn up like Gally" He says. I laugh. I see Gally giving us the death stare.

"I think he heard you Minho" I sniggered.


"YES, I CAN HEAR YOU SHANK" he replies. I smirk.

"Gally come help us" says Minho,

"coming" he replies. "What do you want me to do?"

"Can you make lunch for all of us" I ask

" I can't cook but sure"

"Thank you" Gally doesn't like us but he does do what he is asked too. I think he almost respects me which makes it a lot easier to make things work here.

It is now 1:00 - one hour until the greenie arrives - and I'm making them a blanket (Minho asked but I told him to deal with the gardens and I will do it) for the greenie. I used a cream coloured wool and added some green patches of fabric to make it fit the atmosphere of the Glade. Me and Minho made it a thing of giving the newest greenie a blanket. Gally sleeps with the one Minho made him which I find sweet.

The box should come up very soon and me, Minho and Gally are all sitting down nervously. The noise of the box starts to come up. It seems like it took hours to stop moving but when it did everyone went dead silent. I signal to Minho to help me lift up the door to it and in there is a scared looking boy. He says "where the hell am I" in a strong British accent.

"AAHH he's english" says Minho. He looks at us confused. 

"Hiya Greenie" I say "this is the Glade, your new home"

"you sound like a bloody robot love" The greenie states,

"I think she is" says Minho

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