Glader Things

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That night we all had fun around the fire. We made s'mores and Gally tried to make an alcoholic drink. It was disgusting but it did the job. I started to make clothes for Newt and Gally but it was a long process. Me and Newt were getting closer but Minho started to get a bit jealous. I told him no one could ever replace the shank but he still seemed unsure about it. I go in the maze with him for 6 hours everyday and leave Gally and Newt to make the Glade nice. We haven't seen anymore Grievers since me and Minho's run in with one when Minho nearly fell into the trap. Newt has been here 3 weeks now and he seems to enjoy it more now he has got used to everything. Gally is quiet but has got more rough and moody since Newt came up. We have made the homestead extremely big now and each Glader had their own drawers to put their belongings in.  

Time skip 9 days later - 1 month since Newt came up....

Today is the day where we should have our fifth Glader. Minho is convinced it will be a girl but I'm pretty sure it will be another boy. Minho makes the blanket this time and the stitching looks a lot better than what he did with Gally's one. Everyone is excited for the new greenie; even Gally but he says it is because he is fed up all of us and wants someone to actually do a good job of keeping the Glade nice. We all laugh.

"Minho it's your turn to make lunch today" I say.

"NOO!" He shouts.

"Come on, it's your day off running and you always make me and Gally cook" I exclaim.

"Why can't Newt do it?" He asks.

"Newt can't do it because Newt can't cook" I answer

"You're a bloody rude shank you know y/n" Newt says

" She is isn't she" Minho chips in.

"HMMM you say that Minho" I say

"Can you three shanks shut up - the new greenie will be up soon and we need to prepare" Says Gally.


Newt laughs. "Minho be quiet" I say. Gally walks off. "Wow Minho well done, you set him off"

"Whoops" says Minho. Minho leaves to make lunch and I check up on Gally.

"Sorry about Minho Gally, he's just excited cause a new greenie is coming up"

"It's fine y/n" He says and then he walks off again. Newt is dealing with the gardens and Minho is still cooking lunch. I go in the kitchen and see him sitting down on the table.

"Minho what's up with you" I ask

"Nothing" he replies

"For fucks sake Minho, I have known you for 3 months, I know when something is wrong" 

"Ugh I hate you and your smart thinking. I just feel that everything I say is wrong" He tells me

"Minho you were just joking. Without you and your sarcasm I don't think I could survive here." 

"Everyone can always count on y/n to make you feel better" he says sarcastically

"It's not my fault that you 3 wimps are always moody" I say "Now get on with lunch - the greenie will be up soon"

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